AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-27fix python packagesMisaka13514
2024-01-27Follow Arch Linux RFC10: Adopt PEP 517 tooling for Python packagesMisaka13514
2024-01-27Follow Arch Linux RFC20: Default to not using PyPI for Python package sourcesMisaka13514
2024-01-18Follow Arch Linux RFC16: Use SPDX license identifiers in PKGBUILDsMisaka13514
2023-11-01check PKGBUILDs with namcap, extra-x86_64-build, makerepropkgMisaka13514
2023-10-20upgpkg: python-stitching 0.5.3-1Misaka13514
2023-10-06Initial upload: python-largestinteriorrectangle 0.2.0-1Misaka13514