AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-11switch to git+https:// protocol for sources-ol
2018-12-02update to 1.8.4s-ol
2018-01-05update to 1.8.3s-ol
2017-08-01bump to 1.8.2s-ol
2017-04-10bump & fix versionings-ol
2017-04-10add .gitignores-ol
2017-04-10install platform stuff in PKGBUILD not setup.pys-ol
2016-03-26Fix pkgver() returning empty versions-ol
2016-03-22update upstream repo URIs-ol
2016-03-16update SRCINFOs-ol
2016-03-16revert pkgrel?s-ol
2016-03-16fix pkgver and i3 dependencys-ol
2016-03-16fix pkgver and i3 dependencys-ol
2015-06-10Initial AUR4 check-inS0lll0s