AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
7 daysRez 3.1.1 does not support Python 3.12Robert Zhou
2024-04-14Update to 3.1.1Robert Zhou
2024-04-14Update to 3.1.0Robert Zhou
2024-04-14Rez 3.0 no longer supports Python 2Robert Zhou
2024-02-12Update to 3.0.0Robert Zhou
2023-12-25Add cmake to optdependsRobert Zhou
2023-12-25English grammarRobert Zhou
2023-12-25Fix csh profileRobert Zhou
2023-12-25Handle pyc files differentlyRobert Zhou
2023-12-25Initial commit of 2.114.1, but bytecode doesn't take to sed wellRobert Zhou