AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-01-12Fix licenseshinnova
2018-01-12Update to v2 - Now on gitlabshinnova
2016-04-21Skip check for now because something is off with integrity checkshinnova
2016-04-21Skip check for now because something is off with integrity checkshinnova
2016-04-19Switch to sha256sum to fix integrity check failureshinnova
2016-04-19Switch to sha256sum to fix integrity check failureshinnova
2016-04-19Update md5sum and sourceshinnova
2016-04-18Fixed error codes showingshinnova
2016-04-15Update package releaseshinnova
2016-04-15Make md5sum workshinnova
2016-04-15Add md5sumshinnova
2016-04-15Add PKGBUILD and .SCRINFO, tested to workshinnova