AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-02-24feat: remove fcitx5 from makedepends, as sdl's fcitx support is purely implem...VitalyR
2024-11-07upgpkg: 3.1.6.r28.g908bd84c5: fix pkgver, remove rpi, add sndioHurricanePootis
2024-05-22Make cmake respect arch c and cxx flags in makepkg.confHurricanePootis
2024-04-01make license SDPX compliantHurricanePootis
2023-10-11Remove prerelease from pkgverHurricanePootis
2023-06-30update source, provides and conflicts according to FabioLolix's adviceVitalyR
2023-06-30update desc, update providesVitalyR
2023-06-30Initial commitVitalyR