AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
10 daysBump version to 25.01.25witt
2025-01-07refactor: release 24.11.17witt
2018-10-12updated package to 181008nic96
2018-06-05updated to 180602nic96
2018-05-18updated to 180508nic96
2018-03-31updated to 180306nic96
2018-01-11added libxslt as a dependencynic96
2018-01-04updated to 180102nic96
2017-12-31updated to 171203nic96
2017-10-03updated to 171002Jeromy Reimer
2017-08-18updated to 170801-1nic96
2017-06-14updated to 170601nic96
2017-05-08updated to 170503Jeromy Nick Reimer
2017-03-13udpated to 170302nic96
2017-02-04updated to 170201nic96
2017-01-08updated .SRCINFOnic96
2017-01-06updated to 170102nic96
2016-12-20updated to 161203nic96
2016-11-09updated to 161102nic96
2016-10-06updated to 16001nic96
2016-09-15updated to 160901nic96
2016-08-26updated to 160812nic96
2016-08-07updated to 160804nic96
2016-07-18updated to 160701nic96
2016-05-31updated to 160401nic96
2016-04-10corrected md5sumnic96
2016-04-10updated to 160401nic96
2016-01-03updated to 160102Jeromy Reimer
2015-10-15updated to PKGBUILD to 151006Jeromy Reimer
2015-09-13updated to 150911-2Jeromy Reimer
2015-09-13updated to 150911Jeromy Reimer
2015-08-22updated PKGBUILDJeromy Reimer
2015-08-12updated versionJeromy Reimer
2015-07-11updated to 150702Jeromy Reimer
2015-06-27Initial importJeromy Reimer