AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-08-01Update pkgver: use pip searchwillemw12
2018-08-01Cleanup messageswillemw12
2017-04-19Add python-fanart. Chown only files owned by package manager. Colored install...willemw12
2017-03-02Make 'data' folder before migrationwillemw12
2017-03-02Split installed and configuration files into 'app' and 'data' folderswillemw12
2017-01-17Retrieve version number from pipwillemw12
2016-10-20Fix sickrage's pip updatewillemw12
2016-10-15Make uninstall message stand out morewillemw12
2016-10-14Fix reinstall error. Add --isolated to pip commandwillemw12
2016-10-14Fix reinstall errorwillemw12
2016-10-14Initial commitwillemw12