AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-18switch branch to develop, compile gui sources fresh.Moses Narrow
2021-04-04fix build missingbinaryMoses Narrow
2021-04-04switch build back to master branchMoses Narrow
2021-04-04switch build back to master branchMoses Narrow
2020-12-24update skycoin-latestMoses Narrow
2020-02-19update with deterministic build, add skycoin-keyring dependancy and remove gc...Moses Narrow
2019-10-18Change to new repo at ; implement signature checkin...Moses Narrow
2019-09-13fix arm64 buildMoses Narrow
2019-09-13fix arm64 buildMoses Narrow
2019-09-11change all instances of .net to .com. update discovery server address in skyw...Moses Narrow
2019-09-01skycoin-latest builds from latest github sources ; skycoin builds the latest ...Moses Narrow