AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
8 daysremoved # linesAryan Ghasemi
8 daysremoved # linesAryan Ghasemi
8 daysa big modified PKGBUILDAryan Ghasemi
2024-02-22fix sources and version numberAryan Ghasemi
2024-01-08srcinfoAryan Ghasemi
2024-01-08sed deps setAryan Ghasemi
2024-01-08.desktop exec path correctedAryan Ghasemi
2024-01-08install file addedAryan Ghasemi
2024-01-08New version updatedAryan Ghasemi
2016-09-07removed imagemagik dependencyJosh Mandle
2016-09-07fixed SRCINFOJosh Mandle
2016-09-07whoops forgot the patchJosh Mandle
2016-09-07initial commitJosh Mandle