AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 daysfix sha256sumMolyuu
6 daysupdate to 1.0.11Molyuu
2024-04-19update to 1.0.10Molyuu
2024-03-19update to 1.0.7Molyuu
2024-02-17update to 1.0.5Molyuu
2024-01-17Appending .SRCINFOMolyuu
2024-01-17update to 1.0.3Molyuu
2023-11-05update to 0.42.5Molyuu
2023-11-03Append missing srcinfoMolyuu
2023-11-03update to 0.42.1Molyuu
2023-09-16update to 0.41.10Molyuu
2023-08-27change my emailMolyuu
2023-08-27Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2023-08-27update to 0.41.7Molyuu
2023-08-27update to 0.41.6Molyuu
2023-08-27update to 0.41.7Molyuu
2023-08-08update .SRCINFO to 0.41.6-1Molyuu
2023-08-08update to 0.41.6Molyuu
2023-06-29Update to 0.41.3Molyuu
2023-03-02Bump to 0.40.1Molyuu
2023-02-01Add gitignoreMolyuu
2023-02-01Bump to Sarasa Gothic 0.39.0Molyuu
2023-01-31Initial commitMolyuu