AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-24Bump in upstream package versionFeakster
2022-03-27Forgot to edit the 'provides array'Feakster
2022-03-27New binary and housekeepingFeakster
2022-03-18Forgot the .SRCINFOFeakster
2022-03-18New versions of all binariesFeakster
2021-10-03Forgot the .SRCINFO fileFeakster
2021-10-03Updated the encoding fileFeakster
2021-06-04Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'Feakster
2021-06-04Hotfix & bump in version numberingFeakster
2021-06-03Merge branch 'dev'Feakster
2021-06-03Merge branch 'master' into 'dev'Feakster
2021-06-03- Updated checksums for the new version of the encoding file.Feakster
2021-06-03Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'Feakster
2021-06-03- Updated checksums for the new version of the encoding file.Feakster
2021-02-01Simplified the PKGBUILDFeakster
2021-01-25Trimmed unneccessary dependenciesFeakster
2021-01-04Corrected a symlink error and changed file permissions for encoding.ukbFeakster
2021-01-04Added the encoding file and an alias for gfetchFeakster
2020-12-22Changed the internals of the package function to better adhere to AUR convent...Feakster
2020-12-16Switched to a date versioning systemFeakster
2020-12-13Added a .gitignore fileFeakster
2020-12-08Initial commitFeakster