AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-25PKGBUILD: Updating pkgdesc.David Runge
2017-10-25PKGBUILD: Using autoreconf instead of in prepare(). Removing usele...David Runge
2017-10-17PKGBUILD: Shrinking the depends to veejay-server, as veejay-client will not w...David Runge
2017-10-17PKGBUILD: Moving to new upstream. Adding veejay-server as dependency.David Runge
2015-08-01PKGBUILD,.SRCINFO: Update to >1.5.57 git version.David Runge
2015-07-12PKGBUILD, .SRCINFO: Adding first commit for veejay-client-git.David Runge