AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
8 daysupdate version and signaturesKevin Muñoz
2024-03-24Update versionKevin Muñoz
2024-03-24Update versionKevin Muñoz
2024-02-05update hashKevin Muñoz
2024-02-05added backup & gpg signature filesKevin Muñoz
2024-02-05added backup & gpg signature filesKevin Muñoz
2024-02-05added backup & gpg signature filesKevin Muñoz
2024-01-19update versionKevin Muñoz
2024-01-19update version to 4.7.1 & add architecture aarch64 thanks to jonandermonleon@...Kevin Muñoz
2023-12-01update versionKevin Muñoz
2023-11-21Update codeKevin Muñoz
2023-11-18changing file permissionsMartin Ortega
2023-11-17new decsriptionMartin Ortega
2023-11-17adding creation of user wazuhMartin Ortega
2023-11-17First passing buildMartin Ortega