AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-10Reverted changes that did not fix the python2-dbus dependency issueEli Schiff
2021-05-10Update python2-dbus in .SRCINFO to be python-dbus-commonEli Schiff
2021-05-10Switch dependency for python2-dbus to python-dbus-common for wicd gtkEli Schiff
2021-05-10Switch dependency for python2-dbus to python-dbus-commonEli Schiff
2020-06-18Updated: PKGBUILDGoliathLabs
2015-10-21updatedAdrien Sohier
2015-10-19updated .SRCINFOAdrien Sohier
2015-10-19Oops, forgot to update PKGBUILD #maintainer :/Adrien Sohier
2015-06-08initAdrien Sohier