AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
7 daysUpdate dependeciesNebulosa
2024-03-29Add quotes and rename sourceNebulosa
2024-03-24Update to 0.6.2-6Nebulosa
2024-02-08Update to 0.6.2-5Nebulosa
2024-01-14Fixies #535Nebulosa
2024-01-12Fixies #526, #521, #532, #534Nebulosa
2024-01-08Update to 0.6.2-2Nebulosa
2024-01-07Update to 0.6.2-1Nebulosa
2024-01-06Update to 0.6.0-1Nebulosa
2023-12-06Update to 0.5.3Nebulosa
2023-11-10Updating all paths and secure systemd serviceNebulosa
2023-11-02Added names of patches for ordering of patches, new archive path, tuninng all...Nebulosa
2023-10-31Adding patchesNebulosa
2023-10-26Refactoring according AUR guidelinesNebulosa
2023-10-16Remove tabsNebulosa
2023-10-16Initial commitNebulosa