path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-06-07Updated to version 1.5.6 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-05-20Updated to version 1.5.5 from upstreamBryan Childs
2019-05-08Updated ldflags to use new names for Version, Commit and DateBryan Childs
2019-05-08Corrected source url in .SRCINFO to right versionBryan Childs
2019-05-08Updated to version 1.5.0 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-04-22Updated to version 1.4.2 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-03-21Updated to version 1.4.1 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-03-19Updated to version 1.4.0 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-02-14Updated to version 1.3.0 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-01-16Updated to version 1.1.0 of upstreamBryan Childs
2019-01-15Updated the build to supply extra LDFLAGSBryan Childs
2019-01-15Initial version of chezmoi packageBryan Childs