path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-12-01upstream removed pcre dependencyMartins Mozeiko
2024-09-16updated cmake invocation to specify CMAKE_XDGDATA_DIRMartins Mozeiko
2024-08-25updated build for latest upstream changes, xerces-c -> libxml2Martins Mozeiko
2023-08-14wxwidgets is mandatory dependencyMartins Mozeiko
2023-08-13cleaned up the PKGBUILDMartins Mozeiko
2023-07-24remove spdlog dependencyMartins Mozeiko
2023-03-11remove .desktop file patchMartins Mozeiko
2022-08-27update for changed wxgtk3 config locationMartins Mozeiko
2022-04-09remove gvfs plugin, you can use builtin NetRocks insteadMartins Mozeiko
2021-04-22fixed build for latest upstreamMartins Mozeiko
2020-10-19add uchardet to dependsMartins Mozeiko
2020-10-11use wxgtk3 instead of wxgtk2Martins Mozeiko
2020-10-11update dependenciesMartins Mozeiko
2020-05-17use OpenSSL 1.1 and latest far-gvfs commitMartins Mozeiko
2019-10-31added optional dependencies for NetRocksMartins Mozeiko
2019-09-12fixed far2l.desktop patch for latest upstreamMartins Mozeiko
2018-12-08patch for correct path in far2l.desktop fileMartins Mozeiko
2018-12-08fixed build for latest upstreamMartins Mozeiko
2018-01-31fixed build for latest upstreamMartins Mozeiko
2017-09-03use older version of gvfs pluginMartins Mozeiko
2017-09-02fixed build for latest upstreamMartins Mozeiko
2017-05-30fixed build for latest upstreamMartins Mozeiko
2017-05-10add gvfs pluginMartins Mozeiko
2016-12-13correct location for installed symlinksMartins Mozeiko
2016-12-14fix for install locationMartins Mozeiko
2016-12-14initial commitMartins Mozeiko