path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-15Keep on patching Qt webengineDonald Carr
2016-03-15Try to patch webengine to build neon support on the Pi3Donald Carr
2016-03-15No longer require wayland work aroundDonald Carr
2016-03-15Move to in source build to get qtwayland compilingDonald Carr
2016-03-14Re-instate 5.6.0 as resting defaultDonald Carr
2016-03-14Build the 5.7.0-alphaDonald Carr
2016-03-08Widgets is not extricated enough for me to do thisDonald Carr
2016-03-07We should be using journald everywhereDonald Carr
2016-03-03Merge remote-tracking branch 'pi2/master'Donald Carr
2016-03-03Shipping 10 at presentDonald Carr
2016-03-03Pretty sure "replaces" is why every pacman -Syu prompts to updateDonald Carr
2016-02-26Introduce a couple static linking considerationsDonald Carr
2016-02-26Skip webengine when building staticallyDonald Carr
2016-02-23Full bumpDonald Carr
2016-02-23Making sure -O3 pollution is not negatively impacting usDonald Carr
2016-02-23There is no sense building qtenginio when it is discontinuedDonald Carr
2016-02-23Don't check the dependencies of the target libs packageDonald Carr
2016-02-23Move from 5.6.0-beta to 5.6.0-rcDonald Carr
2016-02-22On 7th packaging iterationDonald Carr
2016-02-19Start to build web engine by defaultDonald Carr
2016-02-19Remove the version information from the Qt tools pathDonald Carr
2016-02-18Add wayland compositor support (prone to breakage) to options listDonald Carr
2016-02-18Add static support to optionsDonald Carr
2016-02-02Remove mandatory sysroot edit; introduce sanity checkDonald Carr
2016-02-02Spruce up documentationDonald Carr
2016-02-02Following Arch packaging guidelines laid out by arb in forumsDonald Carr
2016-02-02Building this does require editing the pkgbuild to specify the sysrootDonald Carr
2016-01-27Fix piver injection into install scriptDonald Carr
2016-01-27Introduce provides/conflicts/replacesDonald Carr
2016-01-27pipkgname is the name of the source tar ballDonald Carr
2016-01-27Inline replace of optimization assumptionsDonald Carr
2016-01-27Fix variable naming oversightDonald Carr
2016-01-25Fix git interactive rebase faux pasDonald Carr
2016-01-25No need for install script magic since I included a dummy file which isDonald Carr
2016-01-25Moving to a single shared repo for both the pi1/pi2 sdksDonald Carr
2016-01-25Move hard coded vars out of qpi.install and into PKGBUILDDonald Carr
2016-01-25Make the building of webengine a conscious decisionDonald Carr
2016-01-25Remove icu by defaultDonald Carr
2016-01-25Change package name a final time: for greater clarityDonald Carr
2016-01-14sync qpi2 PKGBUILDDonald Carr
2016-01-14Bring rpi 1 recipe up to speed with rpi 2 recipeDonald Carr
2016-01-08Bring qpi PKGBUILD up to speed with the qpi2 oneDonald Carr
2016-01-08Rename package to qpi1Donald Carr
2016-01-08Qt Quick Controls does not support qreal=floatDonald Carr
2016-01-08We should be using float on this hardwareDonald Carr
2016-01-08Update qpi to reflect state of qpiiDonald Carr
2016-01-02Compile Qt silentlyDonald Carr
2016-01-02Refresh PKGBUILD from rpii changesDonald Carr
2015-12-31aur needs to be edited prior to usageDonald Carr
2015-12-31Introduce recipe for the convenient cross compilation of Qt for theDonald Carr