22 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
flat-remix-gnome 20241208-1 43 1.00 Flat Remix is a GNOME Shell theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth. daniruiz 2024-12-08 07:48 (UTC)
python-materialyoucolor-git 2.0.8.r1.g9780c78-3 3 0.95 Material You color algorithms for Python! midn8hustlr 2024-04-03 20:52 (UTC)
substance-painter 8.1.3-1 18 0.07 3D painting software allowing you to texture, render and share your work. t-ask 2022-08-29 00:43 (UTC)
flat-remix 20240201-1 29 0.01 Flat Remix is an icon theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth. daniruiz 2024-02-01 16:40 (UTC)
flat-remix-gtk 20220627-1 35 0.00 Flat Remix GTK theme is a pretty simple gtk window theme inspired on material design following a modern design using "flat" colors with high contrasts and sharp borders. daniruiz 2022-06-27 16:37 (UTC)
material-maker-bin 1.4a1-1 12 0.00 A tool for procedural texture generation and 3D model painting hilton 2024-11-09 18:01 (UTC)
ttf-material-design-icons-webfont 7.4.47-2 5 0.00 Material Design webfont icons from materialdesignicons.com dpeukert 2024-12-27 21:44 (UTC)
substance-player 12.2.1-1 3 0.00 PBR material preview, visualization and tweaking software. t-ask 2023-04-21 05:54 (UTC)
substance-designer 12.2.1-1 10 0.00 Node-based, non-destructive PBR material authoring tool. t-ask 2022-08-29 00:51 (UTC)
substance-b2m 3.1.4-1 1 0.00 Image to PBR material generator. t-ask 2019-05-05 15:31 (UTC)
promethium-bin 6.1.6-6 0 0.00 Extensible, fast, and innovative Electron based web browser with Material UI design elements and built-in AdBlock.Prebuilt version. zxp19821005 2024-10-10 11:13 (UTC)
plata-theme-gnome 0.9.9-0 1 0.00 Plata theme for GTK apps and GNOME Shell only orphan 2020-10-09 03:30 (UTC)
newaita-icons-git r836.1f2571b96-1 11 0.00 Newaita icon theme is a Linux icon theme combining old style and color of material design. Request icons: https://store.kde.org/p/1243493/ Make a small donation to support the project: http://bit.do/Donate-Newaita-Paypal btd1337 2019-09-01 20:38 (UTC)
music-you-bin 3.0.1-2 0 0.00 一个美观简约的Material Design 3 (Material You) 风格网易云音乐播放器pc客户端 zxp19821005 2024-07-10 09:30 (UTC)
mato-icons-git 1.4.r85.gca1fb9a-1 9 0.00 Mato is a Material Design inspired icon theme for Linux. It features simple and modern icons based on the official icons. orphan 2018-09-24 17:30 (UTC)
materialos-icon-theme-git 0.r206.ad6d2ff-1 10 0.00 A community driven material design icon pack x4m3 2016-01-17 23:33 (UTC)
liri-text-git r324.404d021-1 2 0.00 Advanced text editor built in accordance with Material Design orphan 2018-12-28 17:23 (UTC)
fluid-git v1.2.0.r50.g27417d4-1 8 0.00 Components for Qt Quick applications with Material Design plfiorini 2023-01-03 12:01 (UTC)
flatplat-blue-theme 3.34.0-1 4 0.00 A Material Design-like flat theme for GTK3, GTK2, and GNOME-Shell. elementh 2019-09-21 21:29 (UTC)
flat-remix-git 20211214.r0.g5711425af-1 72 0.00 An icon theme inspired by material design. fungible 2021-12-22 11:37 (UTC)
fcitx5-skin-base16-material-darker 1 0.00 A base16-material-darker theme for Fcitx5. orphan 2021-03-13 04:42 (UTC)
fcitx-skin-material 0.5-1 12 0.00 A Material Design-like skin for Fcitx. hrko 2020-06-15 04:05 (UTC)

22 packages found. Page 1 of 1.