For the pkgver function I used the following (it has to be put in after the prepare function:
pkgver() {
cd ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}
git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^boost-//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
Also, in the package_boost-libs-git function the line 'ln -srL "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libboost_${lib}3{8,}.so' needs to be updated to 'ln -srL "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libboost${_lib}3{9,}.so'.
Pinned Comments
EndlessEden commented on 2021-05-08 00:32 (UTC)
@Dylan14: sorry ive been incredibly busy.
EndlessEden commented on 2020-08-19 01:15 (UTC)
Initial commit is incomplete, but builds and creates packages as intended. Wanted to push something functional before bed.
@Fabiololix(13:31): I haven't fleshed it out as the top of the pkgbuild states. But ty, will add asap.
@Fabiololoix(12:53): I cannot yet use the source array as it breaks submodules. I need to index all the submodules and there locations within the source directory. Adding them manually to be compliant with pkgbuild rules. There is atleast 40, I'm unsure how many and how to verify yet.
If there is a method of downloading the submodules during prepare that does not attempt to put them in the root directory, then I can return to using. Source array immediately.
As far as pkgver, I needed more testing, static version as of right now is just a temporary measure.
Thank you for pointing out conflicts it slipped my mind. - did arch fix the issue with Pac-Man seeing provides and conflicts, as being in conflict? I haven't made a git package in a while that had conflicts with existing packages.