I created a diff for PKGBUILD that works for 116.0.5845.10
< pkgver=115.0.5790.10
> pkgver=116.0.5845.10
< depends=("gtk3" "libutempter" "libxss" "nss" "python-psutil" "xorg-server-xvfb" "xorg-setxkbmap" "xorg-xauth" "xorg-xdpyinfo" "xorg-xrandr")
> depends=("gtk3" "libutempter" "libxss" "nss" "python-psutil" "xorg-server-xvfb" "xorg-setxkbmap" "xorg-xauth" "xorg-xdpyinfo" "xorg-xrandr" "xf86-video-dummy" "python-packaging" "python-pyxdg")
< "a49ac21281a220c17afcfdcdf4a274d1e094927aea135f53ee7eb39a2c1b07a4"
> "84396947d787cbe90073e944c272856871086c2671d82ac59f6ee9f460476459"
> # fix problem with missing import xdg.BaseDirectory
> # point xorg_binary to the location that it is installed in Arch Linux
> sed -i -r -e 's|import xdg$|import xdg, xdg.BaseDirectory|' \
> -e 's|xorg_binary = "/usr/lib/xorg/Xorg"|xorg_binary = "/usr/lib/Xorg"|' \
> "${srcdir}/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop"
Pinned Comments
frealgagu commented on 2020-12-05 22:38 (UTC)
I maintain the latest built package at:
victorbrca commented on 2020-04-03 01:04 (UTC)
Thanks @frealgagu for packaging this, @nightuser for the existing session patch and @Brinsky for the instructions.
I've compiled both instructions with screenshots and added it to my blog if anyone is having issues with the install. Otherwise, just follow the instructions in the comments by @Brinsky from 2019-12-06 13:58.
Brinsky commented on 2019-12-06 13:58 (UTC)
Here's how I got this working with the new web app (remotedesktop.google.com):
crd --setup
DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="<UNIQUE_CODE>" --redirect-url="<https://remotedesktop.google.com/_/oauthredirect>" --name=
crd --start