I've modified the PKGBUILD to use the new version of upstream displaylink driver. After installing evdi-git and the updated package, my displaylink works like a charm.
Just use --editmenu and apply the diff below:
7,9c7,9 < pkgver=5.6 < _releasedate=2022-05 < _pkgfullver=5.6.0-59.176 --- > pkgver=5.6.1 > _releasedate=2022-08 > _pkgfullver=5.6.1-59.184 18c18 < changelog="displaylink-release-notes-${pkgver}.txt" --- > #changelog="displaylink-release-notes-${pkgver}.txt" 20c20 < displaylink-release-notes-${pkgver}.txt --- > # displaylink-release-notes-${pkgver}.txt 24c24 < displaylink.service --- > displaylink.service 26,27c26,27 < sha256sums=('ca15c82af195f50acc670a6b00b29d6709731e095113619330d45692f5243aed' < '529d8344f5cc1117388ddf2215c744baa920c7df4dbf40c3e5ddf2b4e82ba8e3' --- > sha256sums=('89279748a9e276073ddfff7e949f2b92e30dc19f29a34c40ffcd3356c6d730c2' > # '1aae2005e7719e91179ed52ba85b11b35120c05116c94c4aa384394c4f6e8043'
I have commented out the changelog in order not to be bothered by the lack of an updated file, although I updated it's sha256sum. Note that the release notes file downloaded from the upstream page differs from the one included in the zip archive. The sum is calculated out of the one available to download directly from the site.
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