Hello, @Gr3q. I attempted upgrading the package then. It simply did not upgrade, so I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the package, when I received this error.
pacaur doesn't seem to tell me what packages are in conflict. It simply says this:
:: unresolvable package conflicts detected
:: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies: dotnet-runtime-bin)
I have been using the package without any issues earlier. I don't know what seems to be the issue here.
As the pinned comment reads, I have installed dotnet-host-bin and is upto date. I don't seem to be facing issues there. I get issues when I attempt installing dotnet-runtime-bin, dotnet-sdk-bin, and aspnet-runtime-bin.
Thank you.
Edit: using yay seemed to have fixed the issue, but the package downloads dotnet-sdk version 3.1.202. Is this intentional?
Pinned Comments
Gr3q commented on 2019-10-05 07:28 (UTC) (edited on 2021-02-13 09:06 (UTC) by Gr3q)
IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INFO (a reminder for myself as well):
For dotnet to work you need to EXPLICITLY install:
If you keep the install order in mind and you don't rely on pacman to resolve your dependencies you will be fine.
Longer explanation:
Every dotnet-sdk is dependent on a specific version of dotnet-runtime, this is built into dotnet.
Technically you only need the latest dotnet-sdk because it can build to any earlier versions.