@n1729 - the linux kernel uses its own CFLAGS and other build environment variables, there's some code to customize these included in the package.
Either export _microarchitecture=99
or set the variable in the PKGBUILD before compiling, that'll pass -march=native during kernel build. Alternatively you can set your architecture directly by using 15 for Zen3.
Pinned Comments
arglebargle commented on 2022-07-17 01:39 (UTC)
Just a heads up, I'll be updating the package again Soon™️ now that real life has calmed down.
arglebargle commented on 2021-12-04 15:06 (UTC)
You can find in-progress and early work in the package git repo here: https://gitlab.com/arglebargle-arch/xanmod-rog-PKGBUILD
If you have a problem that you can reproduce on multiple systems open an issue.