Package Details: lldap-git 0.5.0.r101.g3d8aafa-2

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: lldap-git
Description: Light LDAP Daemon
Upstream URL:
Licenses: GPL3
Conflicts: lldap
Provides: lldap
Submitter: lapinot
Maintainer: lapinot
Last Packager: lapinot
Votes: 1
Popularity: 0.000142
First Submitted: 2023-02-25 01:02 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-02-28 16:11 (UTC)

Latest Comments

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lapinot commented on 2023-11-27 18:14 (UTC)

Zepman: Builds without error for me (currently at lldap-git-0.5.0.r38.g5cd4499). What version of rust are you using? I'm running rustc 1.67.0.

Zepman commented on 2023-11-19 09:05 (UTC)

This package fails to build:

ERROR    🚨 [error]: Healthcheck failed
test list_users ... FAILED


---- get_admin stdout ----
thread 'get_admin' panicked at server/tests/common/
assertion failed: started
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- list_users stdout ----
thread 'list_users' panicked at server/tests/common/
assertion failed: started


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 22.14s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test graphql`
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().
==> WARNING: Failed to remove installed dependencies.

Workaround: Skip the check part of building the package, or comment out cargo test --release in PKGBUILD.

Upgraded a stable (0.5.0) installation to the git version. It runs fine.

lapinot commented on 2023-10-31 22:21 (UTC)

Hi all. Beware i changed a lot of stuff in the last package update. In particular:

  • Documentation and example configs are installed at /usr/share/doc/lldap.
  • The static files for the web frontend are installed at /usr/share/lldap/app. BEWARE: there is no config option for the path to these files, so the lldap process must be started with /usr/share/lldap as CWD.
  • I slightly edited the default config (/etc/lldap.toml), putting standard ports and binding to localhost. This is not ready to go, there are some random secrets that need to be inserted.
  • I wrote an unit file, i'm no expert so its pretty basic.

Please review and make comments if you're using this! I will probably wait for the next release to publish a non vcs package.

trainzkid commented on 2023-03-12 00:08 (UTC)

Ah, it installed correctly this time! Thank you!! Don't worry, I'll find all the bugs for ya lol

lapinot commented on 2023-03-11 22:45 (UTC)

trainzkid: no problem! Indeed rustup is a manager/installer for rust toolchains so you have to actually install one, typically the latest stable branch, using eg rustup default stable (this both installs it and loads it as default). I'd rather not add logic for this in the PKGBUILD to not mess up people's config.

In fact there was some other problem in the package since they updated the build process for the frontend, i just updated and it should be fine now. In the process i also configured a system user for lldap to run as. Perhaps a next step would be to write a small systemd service file. Perhaps i should mention that i'm not yet using the package in production myself (but soon)!

trainzkid commented on 2023-03-11 21:16 (UTC)

Hey lapinot, I replaced rust with rustup and received a new error:

==> Starting prepare()... error: rustup could not choose a version of cargo to run, because one wasn't specified explicitly, and no default is configured. help: run 'rustup default stable' to download the latest stable release of Rust and set it as your default toolchain. ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare(). Aborting... error: failed to build 'lldap-git-0.4.1.r80.g98acd68-1': error: packages failed to build: lldap-git-0.4.1.r80.g98acd68-1

Is there some special version of rustup I need? I apologize, I've not really used rust much before.

lapinot commented on 2023-03-11 20:14 (UTC)

Hi trainzkid. Indeed i thought this should get pulled by wasm-pack but didn't notice there was something magic with rustup. I think the simple solution here is to use rustup since individual rust targets don't seem to be packaged on archlinux. I'm gonna switch the requirement from generic rust to rustup.

trainzkid commented on 2023-03-08 22:26 (UTC) (edited on 2023-03-08 22:27 (UTC) by trainzkid)

This falls to build on my machine (via paru) with the following error:

Compiling lldap v0.4.2-alpha (/home/$USER/.cache/paru/clone/lldap-git/src/lldap-git/server) Building [=======================> ] 603/604: l... Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 12m 18s [INFO]: Checking for the Wasm target... Error: wasm32-unknown-unknown target not found in sysroot: "/usr"

Used rustc from the following path: "/usr/bin/rustc" It looks like Rustup is not being used. For non-Rustup setups, the wasm32-unknown-unknown target needs to be installed manually. See on how to do this.

==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting... error: failed to build 'lldap-git-0.4.1.r80.g98acd68-1': error: packages failed to build: lldap-git-0.4.1.r80.g98acd68-1

Is there a dependency I'm missing or something?

lapinot commented on 2023-02-25 12:43 (UTC) (edited on 2023-02-25 12:44 (UTC) by lapinot)

soloturn: no problem, seems slightly more informative indeed. Btw it's the first package i push to aur so i'm not too sure about the conventions yet! Note: the reason i didn't package the last tagged version (0.4.1) is that it required rust 1.66 which i don't know how to depend on cleanly (current last stable is 1.67, seems like one needs to install 1.66 by hand using rustup).

soloturn commented on 2023-02-25 09:49 (UTC)

hey lapinot thank you for this package. would it be possible to include the version from the tag in the build, like:

git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/^v//'