adding epoc is a matter of versioning, not related to develop tree etc.
So r88.a1b233c is a superior version to a1b233c (it is correctly seen as an update) However if someone builded this package with the resulting pkgver starting with a number, they will never be notified about updates if you are not adding epoc
Pinned Comments
jpegxguy commented on 2021-12-15 16:13 (UTC) (edited on 2021-12-15 16:26 (UTC) by jpegxguy)
Hi guys,
I found this documentation on which points to a different repo:
I'm thinking this might be why the tree we knew moved to
I'll probably end up changing the source to that newer repo after testing for a bit, because the new tree seems more active.
UPDATE: The new tree builds fine for me. Also,
is part of the groupbase-devel
, which is an implied make dependency of any AUR package.