@dough.mean: nvidia-470xx-utils builds 3 packages: - nvidia-470xx-utils - nvidia-470xx-dkms - opencl-nvidia-470xx
All of them need to be installed on your system, based on the same version of the driver. There might be additional packages, like lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils and lib32-opencl-nvidia-470xx. All of them must be based on the same Nvidia version. DKMS will nob behave with 6.4.x kernel, unless the patch was used (it declares a function that is otherwise missing).
Pinned Comments
SoftExpert commented on 2025-02-09 10:20 (UTC)
For the beginners in need of assistance, first take a look at this recommended guide https://github.com/korvahannu/arch-nvidia-drivers-installation-guide - maybe it helps to solve the issues your are having with this version of the driver.