If somebody wants to mark a package as outdated, please, bring the link to download a newer version.
Here's a docker command on how to get the fresh version:
docker run -i --entrypoint=python public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.12 <<EOF
from pprint import pprint
from boto3 import client
from botocore import UNSIGNED
from botocore.client import Config
s3c = client('s3',config=Config(signature_version=UNSIGNED))
pprint([o['Key'] for o in s3c.list_objects_v2(Bucket='outline-releases', Prefix='manager/linux')['Contents'] if o['Key'].endswith('.AppImage')])
Pinned Comments
Felixoid commented on 2024-10-17 12:49 (UTC)
If somebody wants to mark a package as outdated, please, bring the link to download a newer version.
Here's a docker command on how to get the fresh version: