Well, In the Linux / FOSS universe, it's never “been a problem” to use a different software or distribution. I've been using a couple Arch machines and many more Manjaro machines and also some Debian machines, and some derivatices of them for years, happily.
Manjaro is usually only a few weeks behind Arch in terms of package updates (and this is on the “stable” branch), it's never been an issue for me until... today, and I guess it won't be for a long time again.
Many thanks for your assistance anyway.
Pinned Comments
gesh commented on 2024-03-27 12:35 (UTC)
Pushed the update, however it broke the build, so I backported a few of the fixes from the Github repo. To ease future maintenance, the last commit effectively turns this into a -git package to pull in the automatic fixes published by Github. This isn't necessary for most usecases -- if the PKGBUILD looks intimidatingly complex to you, you can always
git checkout master^
to use the conceptually-simpler backport.