Search Criteria
Package Details: r-rcolorbrewer 1.1.3-1
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | r-rcolorbrewer |
Description: | ColorBrewer Palettes |
Upstream URL: | |
Licenses: | Apache2.0 |
Submitter: | editicalu |
Maintainer: | greyltc (peippo) |
Last Packager: | peippo |
Votes: | 2 |
Popularity: | 0.083519 |
First Submitted: | 2018-11-11 17:46 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2022-04-04 06:06 (UTC) |
Required by (408)
- r-abseqr
- r-abtest
- r-adamgui
- r-aggregatebiovar (optional)
- r-airpart
- r-alpine (optional)
- r-altcdfenvs (optional)
- r-anf
- r-anota2seq
- r-antiprofiles (optional)
- r-aroma.affymetrix (optional)
- r-aroma.core
- r-arrayquality
- r-arrayqualitymetrics
- r-artms
- r-atena (optional)
- r-autonomics
- r-autotuner
- r-ballgown
- r-barcodetrackr
- r-batchqc
- r-bayesplot (optional)
- r-bayesspace (optional)
- r-benchdamic
- r-bigpint
- r-billboarder (optional)
- r-bindingsitefinder
- r-bionero
- r-bionetstat
- r-bioqc (optional)
- r-biovizbase
- r-blacksheepr
- r-bnem
- r-brainflowprobes
- r-bubbletree
- r-bulkanalyser
- r-catalyst
- r-category (optional)
- r-cbaf
- r-ccfindr
- r-ccplotr
- r-celda
- r-cellarepertorium (optional)
- r-cellhts2
- r-cellscore
- r-cexor
- r-champ
- r-chimeraviz
- r-chipanalyser
- r-chipexoqual
- r-chromvar
- r-ckmeans.1d.dp (optional)
- r-clumsid
- r-clustercons
- r-clusterexperiment
- r-clustersignificance
- r-cogaps
- r-cohcap
- r-cola
- r-comapr
- r-compass
- r-complexheatmap
- r-compran
- r-condiments (optional)
- r-consensus
- r-consensusde
- r-coregnet (optional)
- r-corrplot (optional)
- r-cosia
- r-cotan
- r-countclust (optional)
- r-cytofqc (optional)
- r-cytoglmm
- r-cytomapper
- r-cytotree (optional)
- r-cytoviewer
- r-damirseq
- r-dapar (optional)
- r-dartr (optional)
- r-dcanr
- r-ddct
- r-debrowser
- r-deco
- r-deepbluer (optional)
- r-deepsnv (optional)
- r-degreport
- r-densityclust
- r-dep
- r-depinfer (optional)
- r-derfinderplot
- r-descan2 (optional)
- r-dexma
- r-dexseq
- r-diagrammer
- r-dicer (optional)
- r-diffbind
- r-directlabels (optional)
- r-dirichletmultinomial (optional)
- r-dmrseq
- r-doe.base (optional)
- r-dotcall64 (optional)
- r-dplr (optional)
- r-dune
- r-ecocopula (optional)
- r-egad
- r-egsea
- r-enrichedheatmap (optional)
- r-enrichplot
- r-epimix
- r-epinem
- r-epir (optional)
- r-epivizrchart (optional)
- r-erssa
- r-escape (optional)
- r-expm (optional)
- r-extrachips
- r-fccac
- r-fedup
- r-fgnet
- r-flames
- r-flowai
- r-flowstats
- r-flowviz
- r-fraser
- r-funchip
- r-gdnax
- r-geneaccord
- r-geneanswers
- r-genefilter (optional)
- r-genemeta (optional)
- r-geneoverlap
- r-geneplotter
- r-generegionscan
- r-genesis (optional)
- r-genetclassifier (optional)
- r-genetonic
- r-genextender
- r-genomation (optional)
- r-genomicscores (optional)
- r-genomicsupersignature (optional)
- r-ggally
- r-ggalt
- r-ggcyto
- r-ggmanh
- r-ggmsa
- r-ggplot2 (optional)
- r-ggpubr (optional)
- r-ggsc
- r-ggspavis
- r-ggvenndiagram (optional)
- r-girafe (optional)
- r-gladiatox
- r-gnosis
- r-goexpress
- r-gostats (optional)
- r-granie
- r-gsca
- r-gsealm (optional)
- r-gsva (optional)
- r-gt (optional)
- r-gtrellis (optional)
- r-gviz
- r-gwena
- r-harman (optional)
- r-hdrcde
- r-heatmaply
- r-heatmaps
- r-heatplus
- r-hh
- r-hicbricks
- r-hilbertcurve (optional)
- r-hitc
- r-hiver
- r-htqpcr
- r-iasva (optional)
- r-ideoviz
- r-igvr
- r-infercnv
- r-interaccircos
- r-interactivecomplexheatmap
- r-interactivedisplay
- r-intomics
- r-irisfgm
- r-isee (optional)
- r-isobar (optional)
- r-isoformswitchanalyzer
- r-isomirs
- r-jaspgraphs
- r-jmvcore (optional)
- r-kegggraph (optional)
- r-lace
- r-lambertw
- r-latticeextra
- r-leaflet
- r-leiden (optional)
- r-les
- r-levi
- r-lineagepulse
- r-linkcomm
- r-linnorm (optional)
- r-loci2path
- r-lowmaca
- r-lumi (optional)
- r-lymphoseq
- r-m3drop
- r-made4
- r-maftools
- r-magpie
- r-mariner
- r-mast (optional)
- r-mboost (optional)
- r-meskit
- r-metagenomeseq
- r-metaneighbor
- r-methrix (optional)
- r-methylaid
- r-methylmix
- r-microbiomeexplorer
- r-milor
- r-mineica
- r-minfi
- r-mixomics
- r-mkmisc
- r-mlinterfaces
- r-mmdiff2
- r-moda
- r-mofa2
- r-moma
- r-moonlight2r
- r-moonlightr
- r-mosbi
- r-motifstack (optional)
- r-mqmetrics
- r-msmseda
- r-mstate
- r-muscat (optional)
- r-mutationalpatterns
- r-nanostringnctools
- r-nanostringqcpro
- r-netboxr
- r-netdx
- r-netrep
- r-netresponse
- r-networktools
- r-nmf
- r-normqpcr
- r-oligo (optional)
- r-omicsviewer
- r-oncomix
- r-oncosimulr
- r-opencyto
- r-openprimer
- r-oppti
- r-outrider
- r-panomir
- r-panviz
- r-pathostat
- r-pathrender
- r-paxtoolsr (optional)
- r-pdatk
- r-performanceanalytics (optional)
- r-pharmacogx
- r-pheatmap
- r-phemd
- r-phenomis
- r-phosr
- r-phyloprofile
- r-phytools (optional)
- r-pi (optional)
- r-pipecomp
- r-plethy
- r-plotgardener
- r-plotly
- r-polychrome (optional)
- r-powsc
- r-ppistats
- r-precisiontrialdrawer
- r-probatch
- r-projectr
- r-proloc
- r-prostar
- r-purecn
- r-qplexanalyzer
- r-quantro
- r-qubic (optional)
- r-r3cseq
- r-radiogx
- r-rafalib
- r-randomforest (optional)
- r-rastervis
- r-rcellminer (optional)
- r-rcm
- r-rcy3
- r-reactomegsa
- r-recount (optional)
- r-regionalst
- r-regionereloaded
- r-regionreport (optional)
- r-rgooglemaps (optional)
- r-rgreat
- r-ringo
- r-ritan
- r-riverplot
- r-rlseq
- r-rnainteract
- r-rnamodr
- r-rnaseqcomp
- r-roastgsa
- r-robustbase (optional)
- r-rqubic (optional)
- r-rspectral (optional)
- r-rtca
- r-rtnsurvival
- r-ruvseq (optional)
- r-sarc
- r-scales
- r-scater
- r-scdataviz
- r-scde
- r-scgps (optional)
- r-scone
- r-scope
- r-scp
- r-scpipe (optional)
- r-scrnaseqapp
- r-sctgif
- r-separationplot
- r-seqarchrplus
- r-seqsetvis
- r-seqsqc
- r-seurat
- r-sgcp
- r-shinymethyl
- r-siamcat
- r-sigfeature
- r-signer
- r-signifinder
- r-sim (optional)
- r-singlecelltk (optional)
- r-singlemoleculefootprinting
- r-singscore
- r-sitepath
- r-skewr
- r-slingshot (optional)
- r-slqpcr (optional)
- r-smurf
- r-snphood
- r-sp (optional)
- r-spacetime (optional)
- r-spatiallibd
- r-spdep (optional)
- r-specond
- r-spktools
- r-splicewiz
- r-splots
- r-spotclean
- r-squadd
- r-sracipe
- r-sseq
- r-ssviz
- r-statebins (optional)
- r-stmomo
- r-stringdb
- r-superheat (optional)
- r-synapter
- r-synlet
- r-syntenet
- r-tadcompare
- r-tagcloud
- r-tbsignatureprofiler
- r-tcgautils (optional)
- r-tfutils (optional)
- r-tidybayes (optional)
- r-tidyheatmap
- r-tilingarray
- r-timeseriesexperiment (optional)
- r-tnbc.cms
- r-tofsims (optional)
- r-tomoda
- r-tpp
- r-tracktables
- r-tradeseq
- r-trajectorygeometry (optional)
- r-traminer
- r-traminerextras (optional)
- r-traviz
- r-treeandleaf (optional)
- r-treemap
- r-tricycle
- r-tripr
- r-tronco
- r-tscr
- r-twoddpcr
- r-umi4cats
- r-vdjdive
- r-vidger
- r-vioplot (optional)
- r-viseago
- r-visse
- r-vplotr
- r-waffle
- r-wheatmap
- r-wordcloud
- r-wpm
- r-xcms
- r-xde
- r-xmapbridge (optional)
- r-yarn
Latest Comments
dviktor commented on 2021-12-08 18:27 (UTC)
I'm leaving maintenance and support for this package in favor of new repository. You can install pre-built packages from my repo