@zebulon I temporarily moved those files out from my /usr/src/rtl8821au-5.1.5.r78.gecd3494 directory (where pacman says they were installed) - is that what you meant? I can't tell if there's another step where they're "installed" from here, since I would expect this directory is only used for building source code, but I can't seem to find any step beyond this.
In any case, rebooting after moving those files didn't seem to affect anything. I'm connected to the network just fine, and I don't see anything suspicious in the system logs.
Pinned Comments
zebulon commented on 2019-10-01 06:18 (UTC)
To all having an issue with this driver: please try https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rtl88xxau-aircrack-dkms-git alternatively.
solsticedhiver commented on 2019-03-17 10:59 (UTC) (edited on 2019-03-17 21:10 (UTC) by solsticedhiver)
a patch to make it work for rpi and may be other ARM device:
Note: I am seeing the interface of the usb wifi key marketed as DEEPOW dongle (from amazon) changing MAC address at every boot even though I have not set up anything like that in netctl, here.
I don't know if it's a hardware problem or driver problem. However, it's the same with rtl88xxau-aircrack-dkms-git driver