yeah you are right
do you see any reason of why is listed d /usr/share/guest-configuration 2755 root root - -
in the tmpfiles.d/guest.conf? as i understand, it is just in case the folder doesn't exist so it creates it, right? should i remove the line?
Pinned Comments
akrai commented on 2018-08-01 14:49 (UTC) (edited on 2019-11-04 16:11 (UTC) by akrai)
Installing the package gets your system ready to use the guest user, which is basically a normal user with a tmpfs home folder (which gets erased after every reboot, not after a logout), but please notice two things:
You probably want to add the guest user to some system groups you may consider in order to be able to use some resources of your computer, the same way as any other human user
The script copies any file placed in the /etc/skel/ folder to the guest home after every reboot, intended mainly for copying config files you may consider useful to copy in every new guest session, for example if you need special graphical or network config files placed in order to get a properly working guest user. Any suggestion is welcomed