Package Details: python-tikzplotlib 0.10.1-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: python-tikzplotlib
Description: Convert matplotlib figures into TikZ/PGFPlots
Upstream URL:
Licenses: MIT
Submitter: solnce
Maintainer: None
Last Packager: lmartinez-mirror
Votes: 5
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2019-08-08 17:49 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2022-01-31 19:34 (UTC)

Latest Comments

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Hylass commented on 2024-04-27 19:18 (UTC) (edited on 2024-04-28 00:16 (UTC) by Hylass)

There is a fork that works fine:

Follow installation instructions to install the package locally. I hope the owner fixes the issue soon.

Hylass commented on 2024-04-27 18:09 (UTC)

The development of this library is stalled for years now. With the new versions of matplotlib,( see: the library is unusable. There are several solutions given by community to fix the entire problem, but for some reason the owner doesn't even care about it. So, if you really want to use this package, you should downgrade the matplotlib. After I get experienced with coding stuff enough and the owner still is lazy , I'll provide a new fork.

Popolon commented on 2023-10-04 23:59 (UTC)

Please remove python-install it doesn't exists and isn't used. Python package own the install functionalities.

dreieck commented on 2023-05-05 10:38 (UTC)

Make dependency python-install does not exist.

Can you fix the package?


lmartinez-mirror commented on 2021-12-09 16:19 (UTC)

There's not much I can do if upstream's test suite fails. If you think this can be reasonably fixed, you're more than welcome to submit a patch!

solnce commented on 2021-12-07 13:52 (UTC)

Does not build for me.

?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Making package: python-tikzplotlib 0.9.16-1 (Tue 07 Dec 2021 02:51:15 PM CET)?(B?[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Checking runtime dependencies...?(B?[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Checking buildtime dependencies...?(B?[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Retrieving sources...?(B?[m
?[1m?[34m  ->?(B?[m?[1m Found python-tikzplotlib-0.9.16.tar.gz?(B?[m
?[1m?[34m  ->?(B?[m?[1m Found[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Validating source files with sha256sums...?(B?[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Extracting sources...?(B?[m
?[1m?[34m  ->?(B?[m?[1m Extracting python-tikzplotlib-0.9.16.tar.gz with bsdtar?(B?[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Starting prepare()...?(B?[m
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Starting build()...?(B?[m
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
creating build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
copying src/tikzplotlib/ -> build/lib/tikzplotlib
?[1m?[32m==>?(B?[m?[1m Starting check()...?(B?[m
running pytest
running egg_info
creating src/tikzplotlib.egg-info
writing src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing manifest file 'src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest file 'src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
adding license file 'LICENSE'
writing manifest file 'src/tikzplotlib.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
Using --randomly-seed=2946097835
rootdir: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16
plugins: randomly-3.9.0, timeout-1.4.2
collected 108 items

tests/ F                                                     [  0%]
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tests/ .                                     [ 64%]
tests/ .                                        [ 65%]
tests/ .                                             [ 66%]
tests/ .............................                  [ 93%]
tests/ F                                                    [ 94%]
tests/ .                                 [ 95%]
tests/ .                                            [ 96%]
tests/ .                                                [ 97%]
tests/ .                                  [ 98%]
tests/ .                                               [ 99%]
tests/ .                                                    [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, "test_heat_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f7123a0>, filename = 'test_heat_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ylabel={}},\ncolormap/blackwhite,\npoint meta max=...ncludegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-100, ymax=100] {tmp-001.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_heat_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ylabel={}},\ncolormap/blackwhite,\npoint meta max=...cludegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-10, xmax=10, ymin=-10, ymax=10] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: test_heat_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -18,4 +18,20 @@
E        \addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-10, xmax=10, ymin=-10, ymax=10] {tmp-000.png};
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +axis y line=right,
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +xmin=0, xmax=1,
E       +xtick pos=left,
E       +y grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +ymin=-100, ymax=100,
E       +ytick pos=right,
E       +ytick style={color=black},
E       +yticklabel style={anchor=west}
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-100, ymax=100] {tmp-001.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, __file__[:-3] + "_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f725e50>
filename = '/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_datetime_paths_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ndate coordina...table [header=false,col sep=comma] {%\n2020-01-01 12:00,2\n2020-01-02 12:00,2\n};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_datetime_paths_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ndate coordina...table [header=false,col sep=comma] {%\n2020-01-01 12:00,2\n2020-01-02 12:00,2\n};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_datetime_paths_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
E        ytick style={color=black}
E        ]
E        \path [fill=color0]
E       -(axis cs:2020-01-01 12:00:00+00:00,3)
E       ---(axis cs:2020-01-01 12:00:00+00:00,1)
E       ---(axis cs:2020-01-02 12:00:00+00:00,0)
E       ---(axis cs:2020-01-02 12:00:00+00:00,4)
E       ---(axis cs:2020-01-02 12:00:00+00:00,4)
E       ---(axis cs:2020-01-01 12:00:00+00:00,3)
E       +(axis cs:18262.5,3)
E       +--(axis cs:18262.5,1)
E       +--(axis cs:18263.5,0)
E       +--(axis cs:18263.5,4)
E       +--(axis cs:18263.5,4)
E       +--(axis cs:18262.5,3)
E        --cycle;
E        \addplot [semithick, color0]

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, "test_image_plot_lower_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f712ca0>
filename = 'test_image_plot_lower_reference.tex', assert_compilation = False
flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ylabel={}},\ncolormap/viridis,\nhide x axis,\nhide...s cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0.10196079, ymax=0.93333334] {tmp-001.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_image_plot_lower_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ylabel={}},\ncolormap/viridis,\nhide x axis,\nhide...raphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=15.5, ymin=-0.5, ymax=15.5] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: test_image_plot_lower_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -20,4 +20,20 @@
E        \addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=15.5, ymin=-0.5, ymax=15.5] {tmp-000.png};
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +axis y line=right,
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +xmin=0, xmax=1,
E       +xtick pos=left,
E       +y grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +ymin=0.10196079, ymax=0.93333334,
E       +ytick pos=right,
E       +ytick style={color=black},
E       +yticklabel style={anchor=west}
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0.10196079, ymax=0.93333334] {tmp-001.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, __file__[:-3] + "_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f63d280>
filename = '/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_noise2_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar horizontal,\ncolorbar style={xtick={-1,0,1},xticklabels={Low,Medium,...s [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_noise2_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar horizontal,\ncolorbar style={xtick={-1,0,1},xticklabels={Low,Medium,...phics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=249.5, ymin=249.5, ymax=-0.5] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_noise2_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -20,4 +20,19 @@
E        \addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=249.5, ymin=249.5, ymax=-0.5] {tmp-000.png};
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +tick pos=left,
E       +x grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +xmin=-1, xmax=1,
E       +xtick style={color=black},
E       +xtick={-1,0,1},
E       +xticklabels={Low,Medium,{High,Higher}},
E       +ymin=0, ymax=1
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, "test_barchart_errorbars_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d401cbf70>
filename = 'test_barchart_errorbars_reference.tex', assert_compilation = False
flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ntick align=outside,\ntick pos=left,\nx grid style={white!69.019608!black},\nx...=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]\ntable {%\n0.25 5.1\n1.25 3.2\n2.25 1.1\n};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_barchart_errorbars_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ntick align=outside,\ntick pos=left,\nx grid style={white!69.019608!black},\nx...=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]\ntable {%\n0.25 5.1\n1.25 3.2\n2.25 1.1\n};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: test_barchart_errorbars_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -31,6 +31,18 @@
E        (axis cs:1.75,2.5)
E        --(axis cs:1.75,3.5);
E       +\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       +table {%
E       +-0.25 0.9
E       +0.75 1.8
E       +1.75 2.5
E       +};
E       +\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       +table {%
E       +-0.25 1.1
E       +0.75 2.2
E       +1.75 3.5
E       +};
E        \path [draw=black, line width=2pt]
E        (axis cs:0,2.6)
E        --(axis cs:0,3.4);
E       @@ -43,6 +55,18 @@
E        (axis cs:2,3.5)
E        --(axis cs:2,4.5);
E       +\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       +table {%
E       +0 2.6
E       +1 1.8
E       +2 3.5
E       +};
E       +\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       +table {%
E       +0 3.4
E       +1 2.2
E       +2 4.5
E       +};
E        \path [draw=black, line width=2pt]
E        (axis cs:0.25,4.9)
E        --(axis cs:0.25,5.1);
E       @@ -55,30 +79,6 @@
E        (axis cs:2.25,0.9)
E        --(axis cs:2.25,1.1);
E       -\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       -table {%
E       --0.25 0.9
E       -0.75 1.8
E       -1.75 2.5
E       -};
E       -\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       -table {%
E       --0.25 1.1
E       -0.75 2.2
E       -1.75 3.5
E       -};
E       -\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       -table {%
E       -0 2.6
E       -1 1.8
E       -2 3.5
E       -};
E       -\addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E       -table {%
E       -0 3.4
E       -1 2.2
E       -2 4.5
E       -};
E        \addplot [line width=2pt, black, mark=-, mark size=8, mark options={solid}, only marks]
E        table {%
E        0.25 4.9

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, "test_colorbars_reference.tex", assert_compilation=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d45ec3ee0>
filename = 'test_colorbars_reference.tex', assert_compilation = False
flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=1 by 3}]\n\\nextgroupplot[\ntick align=outside,\nt...cludegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-002.png};\n\\end{groupplot}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_colorbars_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=1 by 3}]\n\\nextgroupplot[\ntick align=outside,\ cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-1.5, xmax=1.5, ymin=-1, ymax=1] {tmp-002.png};\n\\end{groupplot}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: test_colorbars_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -8,62 +8,53 @@
E        xlabel={Some Units},
E        xmin=-5, xmax=10,
E        xtick style={color=black},
E       -ymin=-5, ymax=10
E       +ymin=0, ymax=1
E        ]
E        \path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       -(axis cs:-5,-5)
E       ---(axis cs:-4.9414062,-5)
E       ---(axis cs:9.9414062,-5)
E       ---(axis cs:10,-5)
E       ---(axis cs:10,10)
E       ---(axis cs:9.9414062,10)
E       ---(axis cs:-4.9414062,10)
E       ---(axis cs:-5,10)
E       ---(axis cs:-5,10)
E       ---cycle;
E       -\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-5, xmax=10, ymin=-5, ymax=10] {tmp-000.png};
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-5, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-000.png};
E        \nextgroupplot[
E        tick align=outside,
E        tick pos=left,
E        x grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E        xlabel={Discrete intervals, some other units},
E       -xmin=0.65, xmax=8.35,
E       +xmin=1, xmax=8,
E        xtick style={color=black},
E       -ymin=1, ymax=8
E       +ymin=0, ymax=1
E        ]
E        \path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       -(axis cs:0.65,4.5)
E       ---(axis cs:1,1)
E       ---(axis cs:8,1)
E       ---(axis cs:8.35,4.5)
E       ---(axis cs:8.35,4.5)
E       ---(axis cs:8,8)
E       ---(axis cs:1,8)
E       ---(axis cs:0.65,4.5)
E       ---cycle;
E       -\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0.65, xmax=8.35, ymin=1, ymax=8] {tmp-001.png};
E       +;
E       +\path [draw=black, fill=lightgray, line width=0pt]
E       +(axis cs:0,0)
E       +--(axis cs:-0.05,0.5)
E       +--(axis cs:0,1);
E       +\path [draw=black, fill=darkgray, line width=0pt]
E       +(axis cs:1,0)
E       +--(axis cs:1.05,0.5)
E       +--(axis cs:1,1);
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=1, xmax=8, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};
E        \nextgroupplot[
E        tick align=outside,
E        tick pos=left,
E        x grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E        xlabel={Custom extension lengths, some other units},
E       -xmin=-1.5, xmax=1.5,
E       +xmin=-1, xmax=1,
E        xtick style={color=black},
E       -ymin=-1, ymax=1
E       +ymin=0, ymax=1
E        ]
E        \path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       -(axis cs:-1.5,0)
E       ---(axis cs:-1,-1)
E       ---(axis cs:1,-1)
E       ---(axis cs:1.5,0)
E       ---(axis cs:1.5,0)
E       ---(axis cs:1,1)
E       ---(axis cs:-1,1)
E       ---(axis cs:-1.5,0)
E       ---cycle;
E       -\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-1.5, xmax=1.5, ymin=-1, ymax=1] {tmp-002.png};
E       +;
E       +\path [draw=black, fill=blue, line width=0pt]
E       +(axis cs:0,0)
E       +--(axis cs:-0.25,0.5)
E       +--(axis cs:0,1);
E       +\path [draw=black, fill=red, line width=0pt]
E       +(axis cs:1,0)
E       +--(axis cs:1.25,0.5)
E       +--(axis cs:1,1);
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-1, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-002.png};
E        \end{groupplot}
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, __file__[:-3] + "_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3dbfbee0>
filename = '/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_text_overlay_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{1,0.8,0.8}\n\\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{1,0.5,0.5}\n\\definecolor{c...n={zigzag,amplitude=0.5,segment length=3},\n  text=blue,\n  rotate=0.0\n]{test8};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_text_overlay_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}\n\\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{1,0....n={zigzag,amplitude=0.5,segment length=3},\n  text=blue,\n  rotate=0.0\n]{test8};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_text_overlay_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
E        \begin{tikzpicture}
E       -\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}
E       -\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{1,0.8,0.8}
E       -\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{1,0.5,0.5}
E       +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{1,0.8,0.8}
E       +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{1,0.5,0.5}
E       +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}
E        \begin{axis}[
E        legend cell align={left},
E       @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
E        ymin=-1.25, ymax=26.25,
E        ytick style={color=black}
E        ]
E       -\addplot [semithick, color0]
E       +\addplot [semithick, color2]
E        table {%
E        0 0
E        0.10204082 0.010412328
E       @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
E        \addlegendentry{a graph}
E        \draw (axis cs:1,5) node[
E          scale=2.5,
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=2pt,
E          rounded corners,
E       @@ -91,16 +91,16 @@
E        ]{\itshape test1};
E        \draw (axis cs:3,6) node[
E          scale=2.5,
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          text=blue,
E          rotate=330.0
E        ]{\bfseries test2};
E        \draw (axis cs:4,8) node[
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          single arrow,
E       @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
E          rotate=90.0
E        ]{\bfseries test3};
E        \draw (axis cs:4,16) node[
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          single arrow,
E       @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
E          rotate=90.0
E        ]{\bfseries test4};
E        \draw (axis cs:2,18) node[
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          double arrow,
E       @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
E          rotate=0.0
E        ]{test5};
E        \draw (axis cs:1,20) node[
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          circle,
E       @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
E          rotate=0.0
E        ]{test6};
E        \draw (axis cs:3,23) node[
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          decorate,
E       @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
E          rotate=0.0
E        ]{test7};
E        \draw (axis cs:3,20) node[
E       -  fill=color1,
E       -  draw=color2,
E       +  fill=color0,
E       +  draw=color1,
E          line width=0.4pt,
E          inner sep=3pt,
E          decorate,

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, __file__[:-3] + "_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f639f70>
filename = '/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_line_collection_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\nco...cs [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=9] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_line_collection_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.12156863,0.46666667,0.70588235}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\nco...:5,14)\n--(axis cs:6,15)\n--(axis cs:7,16)\n--(axis cs:8,17)\n--(axis cs:9,18);\n\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_line_collection_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -140,4 +140,21 @@
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +axis y line=right,
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +xmin=0, xmax=1,
E       +xtick pos=left,
E       +y grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +ylabel={Line Number},
E       +ymin=0, ymax=9,
E       +ytick pos=right,
E       +ytick style={color=black},
E       +yticklabel style={anchor=west}
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=9] {tmp-000.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, __file__[:-3] + "_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f63d3a0>
filename = '/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_patches_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.241237,0.296485,0.539709}\n\\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.187231,0...ics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=12.062867, ymax=98.555979] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_patches_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0.241237,0.296485,0.539709}\n\\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.187231,0...s:0.3,0.3)\n.. controls (axis cs:0.5,1) and (axis cs:1,0.8) .. (axis cs:0.8,0.3);\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_patches_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -205,4 +205,20 @@
E        .. controls (axis cs:0.5,1) and (axis cs:1,0.8) .. (axis cs:0.8,0.3);
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +axis y line=right,
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +xmin=0, xmax=1,
E       +xtick pos=left,
E       +y grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +ymin=12.062867, ymax=98.555979,
E       +ytick pos=right,
E       +ytick style={color=black},
E       +yticklabel style={anchor=west}
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=12.062867, ymax=98.555979] {tmp-000.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, "test_fancy_colorbar_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f70aca0>
filename = 'test_fancy_colorbar_reference.tex', assert_compilation = False
flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ylabel={}},\ncolormap/viridis,\npoint meta max=1,\...cs [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_fancy_colorbar_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ylabel={}},\ncolormap/viridis,\npoint meta max=1,\...egraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=2.5, ymin=2.5, ymax=-0.5] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: test_fancy_colorbar_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -19,4 +19,20 @@
E        \addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=2.5, ymin=2.5, ymax=-0.5] {tmp-000.png};
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +axis y line=right,
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +xmin=0, xmax=1,
E       +xtick pos=left,
E       +y grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +ymin=0, ymax=1,
E       +ytick pos=right,
E       +ytick style={color=black},
E       +yticklabel style={anchor=west}
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ test _____________________________________

    def test():
        from .helpers import assert_equality

>       assert_equality(plot, __file__[:-3] + "_reference.tex")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

plot = <function plot at 0x7f5d3f620f70>
filename = '/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_noise_reference.tex'
assert_compilation = False, flavor = 'latex', extra_get_tikz_code_args = {}
code = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ytick={-1,0,1},yticklabels={< -1,0,> 1},ylabel={}}...s [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
this_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests')
f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_noise_reference.tex' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>
reference = '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n\\begin{axis}[\ncolorbar,\ncolorbar style={ytick={-1,0,1},yticklabels={< -1,0,> 1},ylabel={}}...phics cmd=\\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=249.5, ymin=249.5, ymax=-0.5] {tmp-000.png};\n\\end{axis}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'

    def assert_equality(
        plot, filename, assert_compilation=False, flavor="latex", **extra_get_tikz_code_args
        code = tikzplotlib.get_tikz_code(

        this_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
        with open(this_dir / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reference =
>       assert reference == code, filename + "\n" + _unidiff_output(reference, code)
E       AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/test_noise_reference.tex
E       --- 
E       +++ 
E       @@ -20,4 +20,22 @@
E        \addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=-0.5, xmax=249.5, ymin=249.5, ymax=-0.5] {tmp-000.png};
E        \end{axis}
E       +\begin{axis}[
E       +axis y line=right,
E       +tick align=outside,
E       +xmin=0, xmax=1,
E       +xtick pos=left,
E       +y grid style={white!69.019608!black},
E       +ymin=-1, ymax=1,
E       +ytick pos=right,
E       +ytick style={color=black},
E       +ytick={-1,0,1},
E       +yticklabel style={anchor=west},
E       +yticklabels={< -1,0,> 1}
E       +]
E       +\path [draw=white, fill=white, line width=0.004pt]
E       +;
E       +\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1] {tmp-001.png};
E       +\end{axis}
E       +
E        \end{tikzpicture}

tests/ AssertionError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 'b' parameter of grid() has been renamed 'visible' since Matplotlib 3.5; support for the old name will be dropped two minor releases later.
    plt.grid(b=True, which="major", color="g", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

  /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 'b' parameter of grid() has been renamed 'visible' since Matplotlib 3.5; support for the old name will be dropped two minor releases later.
    plt.grid(b=True, which="minor", color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5)

  /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 'b' parameter of grid() has been renamed 'visible' since Matplotlib 3.5; support for the old name will be dropped two minor releases later.
    plt.grid(b=True, which="major", color="g", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

  /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzplotlib/src/tikzplotlib-0.9.16/tests/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 'b' parameter of grid() has been renamed 'visible' since Matplotlib 3.5; support for the old name will be dropped two minor releases later.
    plt.grid(b=True, which="minor", color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5)

-- Docs:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_heat_reference.tex
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/pyth...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_image_plot...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzp...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_barchart...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_colorbars_referen...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/pyt...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikz...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_fancy_colorb...
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: /tmp/makepkg/python-tikzpl...
============ 11 failed, 94 passed, 3 skipped, 4 warnings in 10.85s =============

wcdawn commented on 2021-10-20 13:23 (UTC)

Works for me now. Thanks!

wcdawn commented on 2021-10-18 13:33 (UTC)

I'm installing with yay and get the following.

==> Making package: python-tikzplotlib 0.9.14-1 (Mon 18 Oct 2021 09:30:10 AM EDT)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Missing dependencies:
  -> python-pytest-runner
  -> python-pytest-randomly
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
 -> error making: python-tikzplotlib

At a minimum, python-pytest-runner and python-pytest-randomly need to be added as dependencies.

Three tests then fail with pytest.

===================================================== short test summary info ======================================================
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_fillstyle_reference.tex
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_colorbars_reference.tex
FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: test_barchart_errorbars_reference.tex

I can share more of the error messages but it is failing to compare the reference and output. It looks like it may be related to something in a new version of Matplotlib?

solnce commented on 2021-08-13 12:25 (UTC)