Package Base Details: transgui

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Submitter: k0ste
Maintainer: k0ste
Last Packager: k0ste
Votes: 27
Popularity: 0.000001
First Submitted: 2017-12-29 06:33 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2020-08-09 18:50 (UTC)

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kyndair commented on 2023-04-27 20:07 (UTC) (edited on 2023-04-27 20:08 (UTC) by kyndair)

Would recommend changing transgui.desktop as follows

- Exec=/usr/bin/transgui
+ Exec=/usr/bin/transgui %U

so that magnet links will be correctly processed.

Zabbius commented on 2021-10-04 12:56 (UTC)

Please add this patch to fix 'Duplicate object member: "status"' bug

oUndercover commented on 2020-08-08 11:19 (UTC)

@exciplite I had the same error while installing the package transgui-gtk also from the AUR, I managed to find a fix for it and commented it on the AUR here.

Also now that I'm here, searching for transgui or transmission-remote-gui in the AUR return the following packages:

transgui-gtk                              k0ste
transgui-gtk2-git                         ilikenwf
transgui-qt                               k0ste 
transmission-remote-gui                   ava1ar
transmission-remote-gui-bin               ogarcia
transmission-remote-gui-gtk2              ogarcia

They all have the same source, so what's the diference between transgui-gtk and transmission-remote-gui-gtk2 and between transgui-qt and transmission-remote-gui? They share the same dependencies and source files and even the exact same issue, are these packages duplicates or am i missing something?

oUndercover commented on 2020-08-07 18:15 (UTC) (edited on 2020-08-07 18:19 (UTC) by oUndercover)

I had that same exact error as @zman0900 while compiling transgui-gtk. Luckily the transgui-qt compiles correctly and so I managed to install it on my system, however I encountered the error message upon trying to connect:

Duplicate object member: "status"

Both of these issues and known and, at least for me, there's a patch that solved it. There is an open issue about it and a pull request that fixes the problem.

In the issue the user "JpegXguy" fixed both problems with the following:

yay -G transgui-gtk
cd transgui
makepkg -s --nobuild
cd src/transgui-5.18.0
patch -p1 -i ../../1329.patch
cd ../..
makepkg --noextract
sudo pacman -U <the package you want>

That way i patched the program and is currently running without issues in my system (i'm running Manjaro tho).

exciplite commented on 2020-08-07 09:48 (UTC) (edited on 2020-08-07 11:43 (UTC) by exciplite)

Dear ava1ar!

I freshly installed my new system, and unfortunately i get this error message: Duplicate object member: "status" Can you help me out? I use on my server the 3.0 transmission-daemon. Thanks, G.

To solve the problem I do a downgrade to 2.92 the server and now works perfectly

InsideOut commented on 2020-07-26 04:12 (UTC)


Same findings as rarchz.

ava1ar-auto commented on 2020-07-21 04:17 (UTC)


Thanks! Can't confirm it myself, since I am still using 2.84 on my server. If someone else can confirm there is an issues and this patch addresses that I can add this to the PKGBUILD.

rarchz commented on 2020-07-20 23:01 (UTC) (edited on 2020-07-20 23:17 (UTC) by rarchz)

Sorry if it's not the proper way to report (or if it's a low quality solution), but it may help someone: to solve the 'Duplicate object member: "status"' problem, I had to add this patch (suggested by Ku33ma in the Issues section of the github repo, saved as v5.18_arch.patch):

*** rpc.pas 2019-10-12 07:52:07.000000000 +0200
--- rpc.pas 2020-07-21 00:51:31.577944668 +0200
*** 383,388 ****
--- 383,393 ----

+     if FRpc.RPCVersion > 15 then begin
+       i:=sl.IndexOf('status');
+       if i > 0 then sl.Delete(i);
+     end;
      if FRpc.RequestFullInfo then begin
        if i < 0 then

and added this to the PKGBUILD:

prepare() {
patch --input="${srcdir}/../v5.18_arch.patch" -d "${srcdir}/transgui-5.18.0"

ava1ar commented on 2020-04-06 14:33 (UTC)

Updated to use qt5pas (thanks @dikei)