path: root/dominions
diff options
authorDian Fay2019-12-18 22:22:35 -0500
committerDian Fay2019-12-18 22:36:17 -0500
commitcecf43e8ea864127169845bd1f2c9fdf974514f2 (patch)
treea759b3655697492524354905cb70040ecfdd623b /dominions
parent71e2cb86487dc3b4778e900eec872b386e515e64 (diff)
revamp for Dominions 5
Diffstat (limited to 'dominions')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dominions b/dominions
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..f015f21de5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dominions
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# List all configured games.
+function list {
+ ls /usr/share/dominions/config | cut -d "." -f 1
+ echo
+ if [[ -s /usr/share/dominions/current ]]; then
+ echo "Currently hosting:"
+ echo $(</usr/share/dominions/current)
+ else
+ echo "Not hosting any games."
+ fi
+# Install Dominions via SteamCMD.
+function install {
+ if [ ! $(find /opt/dominions -maxdepth 0 -type d -empty 2>/dev/null) ];then
+ echo "/opt/dominions is not empty. Is Dominions already installed?"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ read -r -p "Steam username: " user
+ read -r -s -p "Steam password: " pass
+ echo
+ echo "Installing Dominions to /opt/dominions..."
+ sudo -u dominions steamcmd +login "$user" "$pass" +force_install_dir /opt/dominions +app_update 722060 validate +quit
+ read -r -p "Enter your Dominions license key: " key
+ echo "$key" | sudo -u dominions tee /opt/dominions/dom5key > /dev/null
+ echo "Copied license information to Dominions install directory."
+ echo "Installation complete. Use 'dominions config' to set up a game."
+# Change the current hosted game by editing /usr/share/dominions/current.
+# Params:
+# $1 game name
+function change {
+ if [[ -s /usr/share/dominions/current ]]; then
+ game=$(</usr/share/dominions/current)
+ if [[ $1 != "$game" ]]; then
+ read -r -n 2 -p "Currently hosting $game. Set up to host $1 instead? [Y/n] " ovr
+ if [[ $(echo "$ovr" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') != y ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "Setting $1 up for hosting."
+ echo
+ echo "$1" | sudo -u dominions tee /usr/share/dominions/current > /dev/null
+# Load a properties file.
+# Params:
+# $1 path to properties file
+function config {
+ if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
+ cat <<EOF
+ dominions config mygame
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -s "/usr/share/dominions/config/$1.properties" ]]; then
+ read -r -n 2 -p "$1 is already configured. Edit this game? [Y/n] " ovr
+ if [[ $(echo "$ovr" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') != y ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo
+ else
+ newgame=true
+ cat << EOF | sudo -u dominions tee "/usr/share/dominions/config/$1.properties" > /dev/null
+# See http://www.illwinter.com/dom5/startoptions.pdf for a full reference.
+# Sections 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7 are especially relevant. Switches should be
+# reproduced as given in the documentation, without any leading dashes (so to
+# pass the '--era 1' setting to the server, include the line 'era 1' in this
+# file).
+# Port number must be between 1024 and 65535, and forwarded in your router
+# config. Master password is not required but useful if you want to be able to
+# set dropped-out players to computer control.
+port 6666
+masterpass supersecure
+# The mapfile is required. Any .rgb or image files must have the same filename
+# and differ only in extension since the map data is automatically copied over.
+mapfile my_pretty_world.map
+hours 26
+era 1
+hofsize 15
+requiredap 13
+thrones 2 8 1
+ fi
+ sudo -u dominions "${EDITOR:-nano}" "/usr/share/dominions/config/$1.properties"
+ mapfile=$(grep -oP "^mapfile\s+\K.+" "/usr/share/dominions/config/$1.properties")
+ mapname=$(basename "$mapfile" .map)
+ if [ "$newgame" = true ]; then
+ if [[ -s "/usr/share/dominions/maps/$mapname.map" ]]; then
+ echo "Found existing $mapname.map"
+ elif [[ -s "$mapname.map" ]]; then
+ echo "Copying $mapname map files..."
+ sudo cp "$mapname".* /usr/share/dominions/maps
+ elif [[ -s "$HOME/dominions/maps/$mapname".map ]]; then
+ echo "Copying $mapname map files from $HOME/dominions/maps..."
+ sudo cp "$HOME/dominions/maps/$mapname".* /usr/share/dominions/maps
+ else
+ echo "Could not find $mapname.map in $(pwd) or $HOME/dominions/maps. Please ensure the map file(s) exist in one or the other location and try again."
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ echo
+ change "$1"
+ cat <<EOF
+Done. Start the service to let players upload their pretenders.
+ sudo systemctl start dominions-server.service
+Once all pretenders have been uploaded, stop the service and set the game to ready.
+ dominions ready
+ else
+ change "$1"
+ cat <<EOF
+Done. Restart the service to load the new configuration:
+ sudo systemctl restart dominions-server.service
+ fi
+# Set game start flag in properties file.
+# Params:
+# $1 game name (optional; uses whatever's in current if not supplied)
+function ready {
+ if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then
+ if [[ ! -s "/usr/share/dominions/config/$1.properties" ]]; then
+ echo "No game named '$1' found."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ change "$1"
+ elif [[ ! -s /usr/share/dominions/current ]]; then
+ echo "No game configured. Use 'dominions config' to set up a game."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ game=$(</usr/share/dominions/current)
+ if [[ ! -d "/usr/share/dominions/savedgames/$game" ]]; then
+ echo "No pretenders uploaded for $game. Start the service with systemctl to let players upload."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -s "/usr/share/dominions/savedgames/$game/ftherlnd" ]]; then
+ echo "$game has already been started. If the service is not running, start it with systemctl."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ players=$(ls -l /usr/share/dominions/savedgames/$game/*.2h | wc -l)
+ if grep -qE "uploadtime|uploadmaxp" "/usr/share/dominions/config/$game.properties" ; then
+ echo "Upload flag already set for $game. Start the service with systemctl."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo "Setting start flag for $game ($players players)"
+ echo "uploadmaxp $players" | sudo -u dominions tee -a "/usr/share/dominions/config/$game.properties" > /dev/null
+ cat <<EOF
+Flag set. Start or restart the dominions-server service to begin the game.
+ sudo systemctl restart dominions-server.service
+You may wish to enable it as well to ensure it restarts on boot.
+function delete {
+ if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
+ echo "Specify a game name to delete."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if [[ -s /usr/share/dominions/current ]]; then
+ game=$(</usr/share/dominions/current)
+ if [[ "$game" = "$1" ]]; then
+ read -r -n 2 -p "$game is currently being hosted. Really delete? [Y/n] " ovr
+ if [[ $(echo "$ovr" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') != y ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ sudo -u dominions rm /usr/share/dominions/current
+ fi
+ fi
+ # leave the mapfile in case something else is using it
+ sudo -u dominions rm "/usr/share/dominions/config/$1.properties"
+ sudo -u dominions rm -rf "/usr/share/dominions/savedgames/$1"
+ echo "Deleted $1."
+case $1 in
+ "list")
+ list
+ ;;
+ "install")
+ install
+ ;;
+ "config" | "configure")
+ config "${@:2}"
+ ;;
+ "ready")
+ ready "${@:2}"
+ ;;
+ "delete")
+ delete "${@:2}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ cat <<EOF
+Dominions Headless Server Interface
+This program manages Dominions installation and configuration for the headless server. Multiple games may be configured, but only one game can be actively hosted at once -- this is a true multiplayer server rather than a PBEM setup.
+The headless server itself is a systemd service and can be managed via systemctl.
+ dominions install Install Dominions through SteamCMD
+ dominions list List configured games
+ dominions config mygame Configure a new game, or edit an existing one
+ dominions ready mygame Sets the start flag for mygame after all pretenders have been uploaded
+ dominions delete mygame Deletes mygame (this operation is irreversible!)
+Service commands:
+ sudo systemctl start dominions-server.service
+ sudo systemctl stop dominions-server.service
+ sudo systemctl restart dominions-server.service
+ systemctl status dominions-server.service
+ ;;