path: root/entourage
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authorMike Redd2015-07-01 14:05:13 -0500
committerMike Redd2015-07-01 14:05:13 -0500
commit9dc315e22db59b477fb644f15c81f1283ca98fee (patch)
treebb519a2ab5f71dcc2915f9da52730b3aa0ec005d /entourage
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'entourage')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/entourage b/entourage
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+Ari Gold: Tell Drama he's on the top of my list of things to do today, along with inserting needles in my c**k!
+Turtle: I thought he quit?
+Johnny Drama: Cigarettes, not p***y.
+Johnny Drama: His tears will basically act as the lubricant.
+Eric: We had breakup-sex, all right?
+Johnny Drama: Breakup-sex? Never heard of it.
+Eric: Yeah, I mean... you know... you have sex and... that's it - you say goodbye.
+Johnny Drama: [pauses to think] That's the only kinda sex I have.
+[Ari's daughter is practising for her bat mitzvah]
+Ari Gold: [to his wife] Is it me or is her voice getting worse?
+Ari's Wife: Ari!
+Ari Gold: It doesn't mean that I don't love her but she's just awful baby!
+Ari Gold: I'll beat that old f**k and throw him in the pool.
+Ari Gold: [to his young kids]
+Ari Gold: Only Daddy speaks that way!
+Turtle: This is where you should be living, Vince. In a kingdom, like a prince.
+Eric: Don't you mean in a kingdom like a king, you idiot?
+Vince: Nah, E. Everyone wants to kill the king. But the prince, he just sails along telling all the ladies, "One day I'm gonna be
+Vince: Johnny Depp's got the kinda career I want.
+Eric: Johhny Depp did "Pirates of the Caribbean". And if I'm not mistaken, he wore a swashbuckling costume and carried a sword.
+Turtle: Yeah, but he already dresses like that in real life, though.
+Shauna: It's like prom; you get your date a corsage and she gives you a hand job.
+Turtle: Who the f**k wants a hand job?
+Ari Gold: We are gonna get drunk with Russell Crowe and we're gonna head-butt some goddamn kangaroos.
+Eric: We gotta get Cameron to see "Queens Boulevard."
+Ari Gold: You haven't even seen it yet!
+Eric: I saw the scenes that Vince looped today. They looked amazing.
+Ari Gold: Great. So you want me to get the biggest director in the game to see some low-budget indie flick that you think is amazing
+based on some out-of-context scenes from a looping stage.
+Johnny Drama: [at the home of a Hollywood "madam" and her girls] Turtle, if you can't get laid here, turn your d**k in.
+Ari Gold: You can have it if you want to live in Agora f**king hills, and go to group therapy, but if you want a Beverly Hills mansion,
+a country club membership, and nine weeks a year in a Tuscan villa, then I'm gonna need to take a call when it comes in at noon on a
+motherf**king Wednesday.
+Eric: [Eric and Ari are discussing film roles for Vince] Tom Cruise is going to play Pablo Escobar? C'mon, the guy's not even Hispanic.
+Ari Gold: Yeah, and Hilary Swank has a vagina, but she won an Oscar pretending she has a d**k. That's what actors do. They pretend.
+Eric: All right, I got it. So what if Cruise passes?
+Ari Gold: Then they go to Brad Pitt. He passes, they go to Keanu Reeves, and on down the list.
+Eric: Where is Vince on that list?
+Ari Gold: He ain't on the list.
+Eric: Well, how do we get him on the list?
+Ari Gold: You do "Aquaman," you stupid f**k!
+Eric: [talking to Vincent, after a director does a rewrite on the "Queens Boulevard" script] He's got you blowing a guy on page 26!
+Ari Gold: From now on ask my permission before you bang one of my assistants.
+Eric: How'd you know that?
+Ari Gold: 'Cause I know all. And I could have told you that this would end badly. Now I gotta to fire her so you don't feel weird.
+Eric: No. Don't fire her.
+Ari Gold: All right. Well, I'll just sexually harass her until she quits.
+Ari Gold: [Ari doesn't want Vince to do Queens Blvd] You know what they feed people on an indi set, Vinne? Nothing! They don't give you
+a trailer. They tell you to go sit on an apple box. Ever try to bang an extra on an apple box?
+Eric: Well, if anybody could do it, Vince could.
+Vince: I do have great balance.
+Adam Davies: [Adam Davies reveals himself to be the traitor within Ari's coup d'état] You should be a nicer person. Maybe then people
+wouldn't f**k you.
+Ari Gold: You talked, Davies?
+Ari Gold: [Davies turns away to leave] Hey, Adam.
+Adam Davies: Yeah, Ari?
+Ari Gold: Just so you know, your girlfriend, when she was in the mailroom, offered to blow me. True story.
+Ari Gold: Listen, Lloyd, I want you to put all my files, folders, binders, *everything* into a box! If you find a used condom, an
+executioner's mask, and a f**king spike paddle, don't think, just pack that bitch! Chop suey!
+Ari Gold: I thought you already were his manager. Because believe me I would not put up with this much s**t from anyone who wasn't.
+Eric: Yeah, I know I am, but I want to do it for real, you know? I want to have the conversation, lock it in.
+Ari Gold: So you come to me for advice. I'm gonna f**king cry. All right, here's what you do. You deal with talent the same way that
+you deal with women. You have to make them believe that they need you more then you need them.
+Eric: He doesn't need me that much.
+Ari Gold: Of course he doesn't need you. You're f**king worthless. I could get a million morons to come in here and do the job. That's
+not the point.
+Eric: Then what is the point, Ari?
+Ari Gold: The point is that he is an insecure f**k, like all beautiful-but-handed-everything-on-a-silver-platter people. He doesn't
+trust anyone in this world but you. You've been born into royalty baby. You know it. Now you just gotta be thankful, and wear the
+Ari Gold: Call me Helen Keller because I'm a f**king miracle worker!
+Turtle: Come on E, you know friends are just girls you haven't f**ked yet.
+Ari: I knew you liked d**k, Babs, but i didn't realize you were a c**ksucker!
+Ari: It's like high school. You can't f**k the prom queen until she finds out her best friend jerked you off underneath the bleachers!
+Ari: F**k the phones, Lloyd! Unless Carmen Electra calls for an emergency titty-f**k, don’t answer!
+Johnny Drama: Nobody appreciates their girlfriend. Until they get herpes from the next broad. Know what I'm saying?
+Ari: There you go, baby -- Men at Work, the land down under...We're gonna get drunk with Russell Crowe, and we're gonna headbutt some goddamn kangaroos.
+Sierra: What do you mean you were on Kimmel? Is that like 'X'?
+Turtle: No, it's a TV show.
+Porsche: Do you have any X?
+Mrs. Gold: uh huh...and what's in the gym bag?
+Ari: A kilo of blow. [Ari laughs nervously] What's with all the f**king questions?
+Mrs. Gold: [to Eric] He's showing off for you.
+Ari: You like Gaysian Lloyd? He's cute, right? And he covers two quotas.
+Ari: [to Eric] I would say hug it out, but I don't want you drawing wood.
+Lloyd: Ari, swear to me you will never say anything offensive to me about my race or my sexual orientation.
+Ari: I can't swear to that, but I promise I WILL always apologize after.
+Ari: [Berating an agent who attempted to steal Ari's client] You know what other class I took at Harvard? Business Ethics. I don't steal other people's motherf**king clients. But in your case, I am going to make an exception. I am going to take everyone: your B-level sitcom stars, your reality TV writers. When I'm done with you, you're going to be repping sideshow freaks. You need Jojo, the dog-faced bitchboy? call Josh Weinf**k, the light-weight pen-stealing f**kface. [Takes the agent's mimosa and sips from it] That's awful. [dumps the drink]
+Ari [to Eric]: You know 'The Station Agent,' Eric? Monster hit at Sundance. It's about the midget who lives by the train tracks. Last time I saw him he was in a FedEx commercial. They were overnighting him to London. Sundance is a great festival for little people. You should kill over there.
+Mrs. Gold: I ask for one hour out of the day for his undivided attention, and I can't even have that.
+Ari: You can have it if you want to live in Agora f**king hills, and go to group therapy, but if you want a Beverly Hills mansion, and a country club membership, and nine weeks a year in a Tuscan villa, then I'm gonna need to take a call when it comes in at noon on a motherf**king Wednesday.
+Ari: All right, when you talk to Dana, tell her I'm going to take the pictures from Cancun, and start a website called and there will be no password or fee required, and I will take out a full page ad in the LA Times promoting it. Tell her I want a f**king call back.
+Ari: [after his Viagra has kicked in, to his angry wife] Come on! I'm like R. Kelly at recess here!
+Turtle: We saw Kristin in the middle of 40 Deuce with her hands down Vince Vaughn's pants.
+Eric: She had her hands down his pants?
+Johnny Drama: Yeah, both of 'em.
+Eric: Vince Vaughn? That puffy motherf**ker?
+Johnny Drama: Nah, bro, he didn't look puffy at all... He was lookin' reeeeal good.
+Turtle: Yeah, it was kinda like "Swingers" Vince Vaughn, not Old School Vince Vaughn... it's kinda like Neeewww Schoool Vince Vaughn.
+[the guys look out towards the Pacific Ocean]
+Turtle: What direction is that?
+Johnny Drama: That's east, you idiot.
+Eric: It's west, idiot.
+Johnny Drama: [long pause among the guys] Well, I mean, in New York it's east.
+Johnny Drama: If you play gay or retarded you get an Oscar. I'd take it in the ass for an Oscar.
+Turtle: You'd take in the ass for a guest spot on The Hughleys.
+Vincent: It's not about the awards. If it's good, I'll do it.
+Ari: The next one after "Queens Boulevard" is a studio picture: I'm talking franchise, baby. We'll get you the lunchbox. And an action figure with a huge c**k.
+Vincent: It's definitely tempting.
+Ari: I love you!
+Gary Busey: You are a gut maggot without guts.
+Ari: Geez, you're gonna spin off this planet. That's great! Keep it up!
+Johnny Drama: I've been working steady for the past twelve years, minus the last three.
+Vince: [talking to Eric at a Hollywood party] Look at where we are. Did you ever think we'd have this?
+Eric: Could you get laid without Vince? That's the question.
+Turtle: Do I give a f**k, that's the answer.
+Ari: [When Eric tells him that James Cameron is directing Aquaman] F**k you. Where'd you hear that, Friendster?
+Ari: Listen, Lloyd, do you want to make it? Or do you want to fold shirts at a Chinese laundry? Now pledge. Nod if you understand what I'm saying.
+Lloyd: I understand.
+Ari: You can't just f**king nod?
+Lloyd: How'd it go?
+Ari: How'd the f**king Bay of Pigs go, Lloyd?
+Ari: I wanna f**k Angelina Jolie. The only difference is, I might actually have a shot.
+Ari: F**k Peter Hill, never heard of him.
+Ari: Let's hug it out, bitch.
+[the guys are talking about their "first time"]
+Turtle: Sure, E... you had to beg for p***y on prom night.
+Eric: Yeah, but I begged my GIRLFRIEND, Turtle... not some $40 hooker who declined my mother's credit card.
+Ari: [yelling to another driver on the road] Is that the way they drive in Tiananmen Square, bitch?
+Ari: [to his assistant Lloyd] *nodding drunkenly* That was a good speech Lloyd...If I was 25 and liked c**k, we could be something...
+Ari: Smoke more Weed Turtle, Seriously, smoke more weed.
+Drama: Back off a little, you're too close!
+Turtle: We're two cars back. What do you want from me?
+Drama: Always keep two-fifths of a block between you and your subject.
+Turtle: Oh what, you've done this before Drama?
+Drama: Too many times Turtle, too many times.
+Ari: Great work, Rob. Great work. See if you can read this: [Writing on dry-erase board] Get the f**k out! You're fired, and in case your ears are f**ked, Get. The F**k. Out! And the next person I see juggling, tap dancing, or baton twirling or doing any other circus-like tricks, will join him, all right? One-strike policy applies. Now get back to work. God damn that felt good.
+Ari: You s**tty dime-store therapist. A man's life is on the line here, and all you give a f**k about is beating some stupid club record that will do what for you? Give you five minutes of pleasure while you f**k your unpaid emasculated husband tonight? How the f**k does he afford this place anyway? Isn't he a guidance counselor at a high school?
+Ari: Everybody stop. I didn't go to the Lakers game because they're playing the f**king Bobcats. And I came here today, because I thought this was a session on how my wife could learn to communicate. How to answer a question without a question. Basic Humanity 101. Which I thought, given your wall of f**king diplomas, you could easily fix. Or if you couldn't, you could give her a pill that would either fix it or make her a mute. But now, to turn around and gang up on me, I have work to do. I have hundreds of clients to deal with, and just so we're clear, I don't care about any of them. They're all just a number - like wife #1 and therapist #7. Good day.
+Mrs. Ari: You're really only our 5th.
+Eric: She thinks I'm a freak.
+Turtle: You hit her with the unsolicited snuggle. You are a freak.
+(discussing E's 'accident' of waking up snuggling Sloan's friend after their threesome)
+Drama: Freud says there are no accidents...
+Eric: Oh yeah? You two crossed swords during your threesome... accident?
+Ari: My life is over [shouting drunk, out of Lloyd's car window]
+Lloyd You'll bounce back Ari Gold!
+Ari: I drove to work in an $80,000 Mercedes, and I'm going home in a prop car from the fast and the furious, I just don't see it Lloyd...
+The Sherpa: The Earth is moving. Did you feel that? Everything. All the time. Dimensions we can't even see. Everything is evolving. Turtle, you're a dove.
+Turtle: That's cool. Can I hit that, Sherp? Thanks.
+Eric: You afraid of getting busted?
+The Sherpa: Busted? I'm entrusted, man. I don't steal. I heal. We're not getting stoned. We're getting honed. My probation officer's one of my best customers. I'm a prisoner. I'm a prisoner of, uh, war. War on drugs. It's all so negative, man. I mean, the Man's most positive positive-tive is a nega-tive. It's a mega-nega-tive. Right? [shouts] Viking Quest! Let them be low. We are getting *high*. We're not getting f**ked down. We're getting f**ked up.
+Justine Chapin: [Justine and Vince are flirting in a club] You're gonna have to work for it.
+Vince: I got into this business so I wouldn't have to work.
+Vince: Look, you got what you wanted, I'm officially out of control.
+Vince: I know you all need me, but I'll call you if I need any of you.
+Mark Cuban: If you f**k me, you know what's gonna happen?
+Asst: He's going to make Gordon Gecko look like Mary Poppins...
+Turtle: How many yachts can you water ski behind?
+Mark Cuban: Are you quoting Wall Street?
+Asst: Greed is good baby!
+E: You can't bang my assistant.
+Drama: What? You don't think I can get her?
+Drama: Unless he's distributing, this is a large bag of cocaine he's holding.
+Billy: That is kind of Tony Montana style.
+Ari: I'm here, I'm present, I'm suffering. No phone, Blackberries or carrier pigeons.
+Ari: Jonah, next time - boy's night out. These girls are annoying.
+Richard Branson: I'm in family mode too, so...
+Ari: Yes. Well played sir. I love your family.
+Mrs. Gold: ARI!
+Ari: Honey, he has twins. How rare is that?
+Ari: I don't want to speak to her.
+Jake: Should I tell her that?
+Ari: Tell her I want her to die!
+Ari [to Amanda]: You're sorry? You're sorry for what? You're sorry for leaking slanderous out of context nonsense about me huh? And then rifling through all my hard work to steal my football team? F**k you, ok? F**k you. And now hold on a second. I'd never hit a woman in my entire life but I swear to God in my mind right now I am pummeling your smug face to a pulp for everything you did to me, my career and my family. But not to worry all right. Because I will prevail, because I'm a winner and you're a whore with more cleavage than talent. And I will not stop untill I destroy you.
+Therepist: I'm sorry, we'll have to stop soon. Ari, can you respond to this request?
+Ari: No, who could.. and f**k you with your f**king clock!
+Therapist: It's nice to see that you find your voice.
+Ari: When did she not had her voice?
+Ari: Why don't we start the day off with some hugs and kisses? Everyone except for you and me Lloyd, that ain't happening.
+Ari: Listen sweetheart. You wanna call and butter me up with sympathy and then drop this on me because you think that I'm down and will take anything - let me explain this to you in a metaphor you will understand. I am sure there are guys who have fingered you in the ass long enough that eventually you let them f**k it. And now you think you got me bent over with your finger in my ass thinking I will let you do the same. I am not like you Dana. You will not FUCK ME IN THE ASS, VINCE WILL NOT PISS IN A CUP FOR YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE.
+Vince: She has sex on camera, which all of us do on some level.
+Billy Walsh: Vince and your body double down the hall there were doing a little sniffle sniffle at the party the other night.
+Lloyd: I always imagined a double teaming would be more fun than that.
+Ari: If you don't want to talk and you don't want to have sex, what else is there to do in here?
+Mrs. Gold: Do you want to talk?
+Ari: I'd rather have sex.
+Ari: I don't make the rules. Not all of them anyways.
+Dana: I'm pushing 40, I don't have a man. I want a baby... with your sperm.
+Ari: I love you Dana, and if I'd ever cheat on my wife it will be you I'm f**king.
+Turtle: I sent ten to James Cameron.
+Alex: Can you call him?
+Turtle: No, he's The Terminator.
+Ari: I'll give her a scoop.
+Barbara: Oh you got one?
+Ari: I'll tell her you blew Mickey Rooney and gargled with it.
+Ari: Deadline Hollywood would run a story about me having a loose stool, much less tapes.
+Ari: I don't care if Justin Bieber calls and wants me to negotiate the rights to his virginity, I don't want to talk to him.
+Billy; You seem angry, Drama.
+Drama: I've always been, Billy. Only now, I'm drunk too.
+Ari: E, I'll call you in an hour, make sure you're dopplegangbanger stays off the line.
+Drama: The landing strip went out in the mid nineties. It's the truth. Everyone goes smooth nowadays.
+Vinnie: How was it?
+Turtle: For me or for her?
+Drama: Well, we know it couldn't have been any good for her, so let's hear about you.
+Ari: No [Andrew]'s not coming back. He's a coke fiend sex addict who wrote checks out of this company's account to buy hookers. So no, he will never work here again.
+Ari: You know [Lizzie] f**ked Andrew? That's what caused this whole spiral. It wasn't the drugs, it was her evil p***y that lured him in.
+Ari [to Andrew Sorkin about Jessica Simpson]: She looks great and she's single. You know what John Mayer said about her. Sexual napalm. You love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like victory.
+Ari [to Andrew Sorkin]: I'm now on Facebook because of you. I've got 600 friends. [Looks at Jessica Simpson] And John Mayer is not one of them.
+Lloyd [about the dog]: Isn't he delicious?
+Ari: Find something else to cook for dinner. Jessica is taking him.
+Ari [to Amanda]: Please don't tell me you're the one who picked up the straight Lizzie from the harsh gutter of life.
+Ari: I think your eye is growing cataracts because as you see by the day's events, anyone she wants or has, be it a sitcom actor or a circus freak, I'm going after.
+Drama: It's not called show friends. It's called show business!
+Mike Tyson: I wanna do like the black Brady Bunch. I'm trying to rehab my image. I want to spread some of that worldly wisdom that I picked up on my journey in life.
+Ari: And then if Bobby doesn't listen to you, you bite his ear off.
+Lloyd: Feels like old times.
+Ari: You want a demotion?
+Ari: That's what marriage is for: so you can bang out your anger.
+Turtle: We made out all night.
+Scott: Where? At the freshman dance?
+Drama: Are you kidding me? Vagina in my third favorite hole.
+Assistant: I couldn't find out what Katzenberg likes to eat.
+Ari: He lives off Diet Coke, you see how lean he is?
+Assistant: Ari, you don't have to be nervous. You're gonna do great.
+Ari: What are you, my life coach?
+Ari [off to speak with Lizzy who is leaving the company]: Send 'm off with sweetness Jake! Hopefully you won't have to taste my sugar any time soon.
+Assistant: Yeah, let's hope.
+Ari: Well I was hoping that we could part on good terms.
+Lizzy: You can go f**k yourself Ari.
+Ari: Now is that nice? I'm preparing a nice severance package for you. You don't want me angry when I'm writing you a check, do you?
+Lizzy: You screwed me. And I'm gonna do everything I can to pay you back.
+Ari: Is it that time of the month for you Lizzy? Because I think that your hormones are making your brain forget WHO YOU'RE THREATENING.
+Ari: I did play a little [football] in high school. I was pretty good for a Jew.
+Ari: Barbara Miller has committed ten million dollars and agreed to work for free as the mascot. How about that? The L.A. Cougars.
+Ari (after hanging up on Katzenberg): Call my wife. I may even take her to dinner. You go to dinner as well on me. You got a girl?
+Jake: Not right now.
+Ari: Well you want cash for a hooker? Either way.
+Ari: Andrew! What a tragic time to be calling. I just landed an NFL team in Los Angeles and if you didn't blow your entire career up your nose you'd be banging cheerleaders up in a luxury box with us.
+Ari: Don't try to get intimate with me Jake, it makes me uncomfortable.
+Drama: Ping pong rally is on! It's gonna be a long day for Uncle Jesse.
+Drama: That's not my hat, is it bro?
+Ari: This family's going to own an NFL team and we're going to talk about it 24 hours a day.
+Lizzie: Ari, I'm not satisfied.
+Ari: Sorry kid. I'm not the guy that's going to satisfy you.
+Ari: I would have spun Lloyd around if he was in front of me and if I could lift him.
+Jerry: How would you like to own an NFL team Mr. Gold?
+Ari: I love you - I love it.
+Mrs. Ari: [This chandelier] is murano glass and it was originally owned by Sophie Loren.
+Ari: I'd rather look at nude photos of her original body.
+Lizzy: I'm not asking you because I need you, but I'm on the verge of signing an executive producer from Glee.
+Ari: I don't sing.
+Turtle: I like to be liked, and I hate to be hated.
+Drama: Look, E, I know we've had our ups and downs but I want you to know I appreciate this.
+Eric: Have we had downs?
+Drama: No, but we probably will if we work together.
+Lizzie: Anything else?
+Ari: Yeah, button up. This is the NFL, not the NBA.
+Lizzie: You got the meeting?
+Ari: Yeah.
+Lizzie: Shit that's impressive.
+Ari: Yeah. I'd blow myself if I were more flexible.
+Ari: You have three kids from three different men. You've slept with everyone's ex.
+Drama: You're a really good brother. I'm glad you didn't die.
+Ari: This is now the biggest agency in the world. And I'm the head of it. Which makes me the biggest agent in the world. Now, can anyone tell me why I chose to be the biggest agent in the world? It's so I can stop being a f**king agent. So don't tell me to show the love, that's what I pay you people for.
+Ari: Someone find out why we're not selling the NFL rights.
+Agent: They do it internally.
+Ari: Well they shouldn't so somebody get me a meeting
+Ari: E, long time hear. You married yet?
+E: Yeah October Ari. I assume you'll be there?
+Ari: Listen. Can I keep the little groom from the top of the cake just in case Sloan never lets you out of the house again? I could carry you around in my pocket like I always dreamed of.
+E: Come on Ari, you're the perfect picture of marital bliss.
+Ari: Like a hostage with a machete to its neck you have to put on a good face for the camera.
+E: You represent the guy.
+Ari: I represent everyone now, Eric.
+Ari: Well tell the school, that when they schedule a parent-teacher conference for 2:30 on a weekday, that's just their way of saying we don't care about daddy.
+Ari: Jesus Christ you all suck. If I wouldn't have a five year lease on this place I would shut it down and work out of a cardboard box by myself.
+Vincent: You know Will Smith did all his own stunts in Hancock?
+Drama: Will's an athlete, bro. I bowled with him.
+Paul: They wanted someone prettier.
+Drama: Dean Cain is prettier than me? [silence] Hello?
+Ari: Maybe they don't want to make a show with you Drama.
+Drama: They gave me a holding deal.
+Ari: The guy who grills my hot dog at Carney's had a holding deal in 1978.
+Ari [on Cassavetes]: He comes from a family of method actors. They'll eat glass if it's in the script.
+Ari: Even with a million-man army you sometimes have to do the grunt work yourself. Saddam Hussein had to hang a few without his assistants.
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