AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-22update SRCINFO - upgrade to 0.9.0 donelafleur
2024-11-22update manual update guidelafleur
2024-11-22add shellcheck exception for PKGBUILDslafleur
2024-11-22add comment to guide maintainers with aarch64 geninteglafleur
2024-08-26update sha256sums (even though no new version was released)lafleur
2024-06-19switch to using versioned artifactslafleur
2024-06-15update to v0.8.0lafleur
2024-04-30update to v0.7.0, switch to official static bins, drop armv7 supportlafleur
2023-11-30update .SRCINFOlafleur
2023-11-30fix license field using SPDX identifierlafleur
2023-09-03version bumplafleur
2023-09-03add srcinfolafleur
2023-09-03initial commitlafleur