AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-22papermerge: add makedepends, deactivate checkNarrat
2020-12-27Release 1.5.5Amaury Bodet
2020-12-25forgot .SRCINFOAmaury Bodet
2020-12-25Update to 1.5.4Amaury Bodet
2020-12-04remove python 3.8 pathAmaury Bodet
2020-12-03Fix checksums and programmatically find the path to python site-packages as r...Amaury Bodet
2020-12-02Update the checksumAmaury Bodet
2020-12-02Make the PKGBUILD work with the just released python3.9Amaury Bodet
2020-12-02Initial submissionAmaury Bodet