39 packages found. Page 1 of 1.

Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
josm-latest 19265-1 7 0.30 Nightly builds of JOSM, the editor for OpenStreetMap written in Java hauke96 2024-12-03 05:00 (UTC)
osmium-tool 1.16.0-3 9 0.02 Command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data based on the Osmium library akstrfn 2024-07-06 12:49 (UTC)
python-plpygis 0.5.2-1 1 0.01 PL/Python for PostGIS bosth 2024-08-09 14:23 (UTC)
pgrouting 3.5.0-1 9 0.00 Adds routing functionality to PostGIS/PostgreSQL orphan 2023-05-01 23:13 (UTC)
sfcgal 2.0.0-1 5 0.00 Wrapper around the CGAL library that intents to implement 2D and 3D operations on OGC standards models kikislater 2024-10-17 09:05 (UTC)
filegdb-api 1.5.1-5 3 0.00 ESRI File Geodatabase (FileGDB) API alireza6677 2024-10-25 13:27 (UTC)
openorienteering-mapper-git 20200411.3.r0.ge2ff8153-2 2 0.00 Map drawing program from OpenOrienteering orphan 2020-07-09 16:18 (UTC)
qgis-ltr 3.34.13-1 16 0.00 Geographic Information System (GIS); Long Term Release buzo 2024-11-23 10:07 (UTC)
openorienteering-mapper 0.9.5-3 7 0.00 Map drawing program from OpenOrienteering orphan 2023-09-03 12:49 (UTC)
python-gdal-libkml-filegdb 3.10.0-1 6 0.00 Python bindings for GDAL alireza6677 2024-11-15 16:14 (UTC)
gdal-libkml-filegdb 3.10.0-1 6 0.00 A translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats (with libkml and filegdb support) alireza6677 2024-11-15 16:14 (UTC)
geoserver-bin 2.23.1-1 6 0.00 Server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data alhirzel 2023-06-03 07:30 (UTC)
whitebox 3.4.0-1 7 0.00 A Geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing package intended for advanced geospatial analysis and data visualization. orphan 2018-01-13 19:59 (UTC)
viking-git 1.8.r352.gc66ef1c6-1 1 0.00 GTK+2 application to manage GPS data M-Reimer 2021-02-24 14:15 (UTC)
taudem 5.3.8-1 6 0.00 TauDEM (Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models) is a suite of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools for the extraction and analysis of hydrologic information from topography as represented by a DEM. geosam 2018-01-22 04:11 (UTC)
spatialite-gui 2.1.0-2 9 0.00 spatialite-gui is an open source Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool supporting SpatiaLite. geosam 2021-08-01 00:42 (UTC)
saga-gis 9.4.1-1 17 0.00 A Geographic Information System (GIS) software with immense capabilities for geodata processing and analysis. sptzmllr 2024-06-10 10:06 (UTC)
qgis-git 3.99_master.r88828.1cdf1d72b8a-1 17 0.00 Geographic Information System (GIS) that supports vector, raster & database formats - Development master gaelic 2024-11-24 12:12 (UTC)
pgpointcloud 1.2.5-1 1 0.00 A PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data pblottiere 2023-09-19 19:00 (UTC)
pcraster 4.4.1-1 1 0.00 Environmental modelling software kikislater 2023-11-30 06:36 (UTC)
osgearth 3.5-1 13 0.00 A terrain rendering toolkit for OpenSceneGraph geosam 2024-10-10 19:04 (UTC)
openjump-bin 1.14.1-1 12 0.00 Geographic Information System (GIS) written in the Java (binary version) orphan 2019-10-27 14:48 (UTC)
mapsoft 20191201-1 1 0.00 Programs for working with maps and geodata orphan 2019-12-08 22:22 (UTC)
mapserver 8.0.1-1 9 0.00 Platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web geosam 2023-11-18 23:19 (UTC)
libspatialite-devel r960.a02cd88-1 0 0.00 SQLite extension to support spatial data types and operations. Development version geosam 2019-10-11 22:10 (UTC)
librasterlite2-devel r164.5ebd747-1 0 0.00 librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. geosam 2019-10-11 21:51 (UTC)
libkml-git 1.3.0.r130.g878abd1-1 1 0.00 A KML library written in C++ with bindings to other languages alireza6677 2024-01-03 10:13 (UTC)
libkml 1.3.0-0 8 0.00 A KML library written in C++ with bindings to other languages geosam 2017-06-22 23:54 (UTC)
libecwj2 3.3-5 5 0.00 Library for both the ECW and the ISO JPEG 2000 image file formats kikislater 2023-09-25 18:57 (UTC)
lerc 4.0.0-1 1 0.00 Limited Error Raster Compression library kikislater 2023-06-24 12:29 (UTC)
grass 8.4.0-1 38 0.00 Geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling and visualization kikislater 2024-07-30 06:17 (UTC)
gpxtools-git r58.3a3276e-1 1 0.00 A collection of command line tools for using GPX files beej 2022-07-26 21:32 (UTC)
gpxlab-git 0.7.0.r0.gcbb2844-1 3 0.00 Program to show and manipulate GPS tracks orphan 2019-12-11 09:20 (UTC)
gpxlab 0.7.0-1 5 0.00 Program to show and manipulate GPS tracks orphan 2019-12-11 09:18 (UTC)
gpstk-bin 2.8-1 4 0.00 Algorithms and frameworks supporting the development of processing and analysis applications in navigation and global positioning. geosam 2017-02-25 00:51 (UTC)
gdal-libkml 3.10.0-1 1 0.00 A translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats (with libkml support) alireza6677 2024-11-15 16:14 (UTC)
python-gdal-libkml 3.10.0-1 1 0.00 Python bindings for GDAL alireza6677 2024-11-15 16:14 (UTC)
e-foto-svn 434-1 2 0.00 A free GNU/GPL educational digital photogrammetric workstation geosam 2018-10-21 19:34 (UTC)
datamaps-git r290.76e620a-1 1 0.00 Indexes points and lines and generates map tiles to display them orphan 2019-07-03 11:12 (UTC)

39 packages found. Page 1 of 1.