After I had the issues version 24.8 I now tried version 24.11. The resolution now gets set correctly again, but the "Ctrl+Shift+T" shortcut is still caught by Citrix and opens the "enhanced desktop viewer toolbar".
But I found a fix for this:
open "wfclient.ini"
go to the section "WFClient"
add new line "WCAGModeKeyCombination="
See: ("Support for keyboard shortcuts for enhanced desktop viewer toolbar")
Pinned Comments
buzo commented on 2021-06-26 12:42 (UTC) (edited on 2023-02-02 09:00 (UTC) by buzo)
If you cannot build because of a missing tar ball or a failed sha256 checksum validation, then the package is most likely outdated and they have removed the old version already. In this case, please click on “Flag package out-of-date”.
evanator commented on 2020-07-02 06:46 (UTC)
Found a fix for "authentication service could not be contacted"
Edit the config file under /home/username/.ICAClient\WFClient.ini and add a new line SSLCiphers=ALL save file and run "killall AuthManagerDaemon ServiceRecord selfservice storebrowse"
Relaunch Citrix and you should be fine