Package Details: mpv-full-build-git 0.39.0.r557.g1dd0e49f83-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: mpv-full-build-git
Description: Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 with all possible libs (uses statically linked ffmpeg with all possible libs). (GIT version )
Upstream URL:
Keywords: mpv player video
Licenses: custom
Conflicts:, mpv, mpv-build-git, mpv-full-git, mpv-git
Provides:, mpv, mpv-build-git, mpv-full-git, mpv-git
Replaces:, mpv, mpv-build-git, mpv-full-git, mpv-git
Submitter: inochi
Maintainer: inochi
Last Packager: inochi
Votes: 3
Popularity: 0.72
First Submitted: 2019-03-18 05:49 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-12-30 04:00 (UTC)

Pinned Comments

inochi commented on 2020-11-13 00:52 (UTC) (edited on 2020-11-13 00:52 (UTC) by inochi)

Some points for common error:
1. if you suffer a running time error like mpv: error while loading shared libraries, try to rebuild the package.
2. if you suffer a compiling error like can not find gcc header file, please perform a clean build, as this package use soft link to avoid unnecessary file copy.

if you find some other bug, please submit it with a log.
The log location:
1. ffmpeg: "${srcdir}/mpv-build/ffmpeg_build/ffbuild/config.log"
2. mpv: terminal output is OK.

Latest Comments

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inochi commented on 2023-12-02 04:44 (UTC)

@skystar Thanks for reminder I have already update this, can you have a test?

skystar commented on 2023-12-02 04:31 (UTC)

Maybe 'shaderc' and 'spirv-cross' option is not relevant for linux anymore...

@inochi Can you fix the broken build? Thanks.

inochi commented on 2023-11-06 01:54 (UTC)

@Saiha, thanks for reminder, now fixed.

Saiha commented on 2023-11-05 20:01 (UTC) (edited on 2023-11-05 20:11 (UTC) by Saiha)

Looks like they've removed/changed the pthreads option

Build started at 2023-11-05T20:29:37.320016
Main binary: /usr/bin/python
Build Options: -Dprefix=/usr -Dlibexecdir=lib -Dsbindir=bin -Dbuildtype=plain -Db_lto=true -Db_pie=true -Db_staticpic=true -Ddefault_library=shared '-Dc_link_args="-Wl,-Bsymbolic"' -Dcplayer=true -Dlibmpv=true -Dbuild-date=false -Dcdda=enabled -Dcplugins=enabled -Ddvbin=enabled -Ddvdnav=enabled -Diconv=enabled -Djavascript=enabled -Dlcms2=enabled -Dlibarchive=enabled -Dlibavdevice=enabled -Dlibbluray=enabled -Dlua=lua52 -Drubberband=enabled -Dsdl2=enabled -Dsdl2-gamepad=enabled -Duchardet=enabled -Duwp=disabled -Dvapoursynth=enabled -Dvector=auto -Dwin32-internal-pthreads=disabled -Dzimg=enabled -Dzlib=enabled -Dalsa=enabled -Daudiounit=disabled -Dcoreaudio=disabled -Djack=enabled -Dopenal=enabled -Dopensles=disabled -Doss-audio=disabled -Dpipewire=enabled -Dpulse=enabled -Dsdl2-audio=enabled -Dsndio=enabled -Dwasapi=disabled -Dcaca=enabled -Dcocoa=disabled -Dd3d11=disabled -Ddirect3d=disabled -Ddmabuf-wayland=enabled -Ddrm=enabled -Degl=enabled -Degl-android=disabled -Degl-angle=disabled -Degl-angle-lib=disabled -Degl-angle-win32=disabled -Degl-drm=enabled -Degl-wayland=enabled -Degl-x11=enabled -Dgbm=enabled -Dgl=enabled -Dgl-cocoa=disabled -Dgl-dxinterop=disabled -Dgl-win32=disabled -Djpeg=enabled -Drpi=disabled -Dsdl2-video=enabled -Dshaderc=enabled -Dplain-gl=enabled -Dvdpau=enabled -Dvaapi=enabled -Dvaapi-drm=enabled -Dvaapi-wayland=enabled -Dvaapi-x11=enabled -Dvulkan=enabled -Dvulkan-interop=enabled -Dwayland=enabled -Dx11=enabled -Dxv=enabled -Dandroid-media-ndk=disabled -Dd3d-hwaccel=disabled -Dd3d9-hwaccel=disabled -Dgl-dxinterop-d3d9=disabled -Dios-gl=disabled -Drpi-mmal=auto -Dvideotoolbox-gl=auto -Dmanpage-build=enabled -Dhtml-build=disabled -Dpdf-build=disabled -Dspirv-cross=enabled -Dsixel=enabled
Python system: Linux
The Meson build system
Version: 1.2.3
Source dir: /home/saiha/.cache/yay/mpv-full-build-git/src/mpv
Build dir: /home/saiha/.cache/yay/mpv-full-build-git/src/mpv/build
Build type: native build ERROR: Unknown options: "win32-internal-pthreads"

inochi commented on 2023-08-03 03:43 (UTC)

@skystar fixed. I just forgot to push the change.

skystar commented on 2023-08-03 03:38 (UTC)

Maybe the recent mpv upstream commit breaks the build.

Removing vaapi-x-egl option from PKGBUILD fixes the issue.

inochi commented on 2023-01-22 09:49 (UTC)

@mokkurkalve, thank you, it seems I forgot some depends.

mokkurkalve commented on 2023-01-22 08:53 (UTC)

Building after switch to meson aborted. I was missing package "glad". I installed glad and building succeeded. So glad should be dependency.

mokkurkalve commented on 2021-12-10 17:59 (UTC)

Yes. Fixed. Thanks! :-)

inochi commented on 2021-12-10 01:30 (UTC)

@mokkurkalve, can you rebuild with the updated PKGBUILD? The problem should be fixed.