Parsec for raspbian supports rpi 0 as well, so it means it should support all ARM devices starting from armv5 (arm). You should provide the same arm binary for the following arm architectures (it's called backwards compatibility. even if it's indeed armv5 binary):
As I said - installation steps should be identical. Need example on how to add additional arm architectures? See for example
Pinned Comments
tadly commented on 2020-06-10 06:09 (UTC) (edited on 2020-06-10 06:10 (UTC) by tadly)
!!! Please do NOT flag the package out of date just because a new version has been release. !!!
Parsec self-updates and as long as the package still installs (no sha256 mismatch), there is no reason to update it in the AUR as the .deb actually is an older version.