I can't build the update from a few days ago. It always fails with a bunch of these after a seemingly successful compilation:
______________________ test_designspace_generation_regular_same_family_name[defcon] ______________________
tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-tilo/pytest-0/test_designspace_generation_re0')
ufo_module = <module 'defcon' from '/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/defcon/__init__.py'>
def test_designspace_generation_regular_same_family_name(tmpdir, ufo_module):
ufo_Lt = ufo_module.Font()
ufo_Lt.info.familyName = "CoolFoundry Examplary Serif"
ufo_Lt.info.styleName = "Light"
ufo_Lt.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = 300
ufo_Rg = ufo_module.Font()
ufo_Rg.info.familyName = "CoolFoundry Examplary Serif"
ufo_Rg.info.styleName = "Regular"
ufo_Rg.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = 400
ufo_Md = ufo_module.Font()
ufo_Md.info.familyName = "CoolFoundry Examplary Serif"
ufo_Md.info.styleName = "Medium"
ufo_Md.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = 500
ufo_Bd = ufo_module.Font()
ufo_Bd.info.familyName = "CoolFoundry Examplary Serif"
ufo_Bd.info.styleName = "Bold"
ufo_Bd.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = 700
ufo_ExBd = ufo_module.Font()
ufo_ExBd.info.familyName = "CoolFoundry Examplary Serif"
ufo_ExBd.info.styleName = "XBold"
ufo_ExBd.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = 800
font = to_glyphs([ufo_Lt, ufo_Rg, ufo_Md, ufo_Bd, ufo_ExBd])
designspace = to_designspace(font, ufo_module=ufo_module)
path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "actual.designspace")
expected_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "data", "DesignspaceGenTestRegular.designspace"
> assert (
len(main.diff_files(path, expected_path, formatter=formatting.DiffFormatter()))
== 0
E assert 50 == 0
E + where 50 = len('[update-attribute, /designspace[1], format, "4.1"]')
E + where '[update-attribute, /designspace[1], format, "4.1"]' = <function diff_files at 0x7f07ac28e4d0>('/tmp/pytest-of-tilo/pytest-0/test_designspace_generation_re0/actual.designspace', '/tmp/yay/python-glyphslib/src/glyphsLib-6.0.5/tests/builder/../data/DesignspaceGenTestRegular.designspace', formatter=<xmldiff.formatting.DiffFormatter object at 0x7f07ac5d5ff0>)
E + where <function diff_files at 0x7f07ac28e4d0> = main.diff_files
E + and <xmldiff.formatting.DiffFormatter object at 0x7f07ac5d5ff0> = <class 'xmldiff.formatting.DiffFormatter'>()
E + where <class 'xmldiff.formatting.DiffFormatter'> = formatting.DiffFormatter
tests/builder/designspace_gen_test.py:69: AssertionError
======================= 10 failed, 515 passed, 67 skipped, 191 deselected in 7.40s =======================
Pinned Comments
alerque commented on 2021-08-03 18:31 (UTC)
PSA: Like most of the PKGBUILDs that I (co-)maintain, I host prebuilt packages for this in my user repository and all its dependencies for those who wish to install it using
without messing around with building from the AUR. Issues or contributions are welcome either in comments below or via this GitHub repository.