Package Details: qman-git 1.3.1.r5.gd21ef51-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: qman-git
Description: A more modern manual page viewer for our terminals
Upstream URL:
Licenses: BSD-2-Clause
Conflicts: qman
Provides: qman
Submitter: plp
Maintainer: intelfx
Last Packager: intelfx
Votes: 2
Popularity: 0.87
First Submitted: 2023-12-19 19:00 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-02-25 08:30 (UTC)

Latest Comments

plp commented on 2025-02-24 19:38 (UTC) (edited on 2025-02-24 19:57 (UTC) by plp)

Please update the PKGBUILD as follows:

# Maintainer: Ivan Shapovalov <>
# Contributor: Pantelis Panayiotou <>

pkgdesc="A more modern manual page viewer for our terminals"
arch=("x86_64" "aarch64")
depends=("ncurses" "libinih" "zlib" "bzip2" "xz" "man-db")
makedepends=("git" "meson" "python-cogapp")

pkgver() {
  cd qman
  git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/[^-]*-g/r&/;s/-/./g'

prepare() {
  cd qman
  sed -r "s|install_dir: 'man/man1'|install_dir: 'share/man/man1'|g" \
      -i man/

build() {
  arch-meson build qman
  meson compile -C build

package() {
  meson install --destdir "${pkgdir}" -C build
  cd qman
  install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"


  • As of today, Qman supports man pages compressed with xz

  • As per our email discussion with @intelfx, bzip2 should be in depends, not optdepends

  • EDIT: I also received confirmation that it works on aarch64

plp commented on 2025-02-22 17:59 (UTC)

@intelfx I won't be using qman-git, because I work directly on my local copy of the repo. So, if you are willing to take over and keep it alive, you are welcome :-)

Important: You should change it to pull from devel, since that's where development happens. main contains stable code, typically the latest release, plus the occasional bug fix that hasn't made it into a release yet.

intelfx commented on 2025-02-22 15:52 (UTC)

No, you should not try to get this package merged into qman. These packages are not equivalent: one tracks releases, the other tracks the git master branch (i.e., unreleased revisions). This is permitted in AUR.

If you do not wish to maintain the -git package, disown it and I'll take over the maintenance.

plp commented on 2025-02-22 14:18 (UTC)

Do I have to do something for this package to be merged with qman?

plp commented on 2025-02-21 22:03 (UTC)


Please let me know if there are any problems. I tried to do this as quickly as possible, so I obviously didn't go through the guidelines thoroughly.

Also, and provided you are OK with qman, qman-git can be deleted.

yochananmarqos commented on 2025-02-21 21:11 (UTC)

@plp: Please resubmit as qman if you're going to create "releases". VCS packages do not work the way you're treating this. Please see VCS package guidelines.

plp commented on 2025-02-21 21:08 (UTC)

I'm sorry, for some reason I wasn't receiving notifications for the package, and I was therefore unaware of the submitted comments and patch.

Please refrain from deleting it, and will make the necessary corrections to it as soon as humanly possible. Please note that this may take a few days, as I'm obviously not well versed in makepkg, and I'll have to do some reading.

Thank you.

intelfx commented on 2025-01-28 18:13 (UTC)

Multiple minor and major issues with this PKGBUILD. Please consider applying the patch:

  • wrong license=() formatting, license itself not installed
  • do not use $pkgname as the name of the source repository, leave it as-is (this messes with people who use a shared $SRCDEST)
  • prepare() must be used to apply modifications to the source files
  • arch-meson not used
  • this is a -git package, yet pkgver is not generated automatically

Unfortunately, the repository does not have any tags, so I had to bump epoch and use a revision counter. Either accept what I did, or add some tags to the repository. In any way, in a -git package, pkgver is supposed to be bumped automatically, not by hand.

kseistrup commented on 2025-01-08 07:37 (UTC)

@plp What yochananmarqos says.

Also, the PKGBUILD should have


yochananmarqos commented on 2024-04-28 19:10 (UTC)

PKGBUILD critique:

  • The SPDX license statement 'BSD-2-CLAUSE' should be formatted as 'BSD-2-Clause' instead. Also, since it's not a license already installed with the licenses package, it needs to be installed with the package
  • 'nighly' is not a valid pkgver. Please use a pkgver() array as outlined in VCS package guidelines
  • Shouldn't this depend on man-db?
  • The man page is installed in /usr/man/ instead of /usr/share/man/.