Search Criteria
Package Details: r-cli 3.6.3-1
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | r-cli |
Description: | Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces |
Upstream URL: | |
Licenses: | MIT |
Submitter: | clintval |
Maintainer: | greyltc |
Last Packager: | peippo |
Votes: | 5 |
Popularity: | 0.036198 |
First Submitted: | 2018-06-10 20:14 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2024-06-24 06:39 (UTC) |
Dependencies (19)
- r (r-mklAUR)
- r-callrAUR (optional)
- r-covrAUR (optional)
- r-crayonAUR (optional)
- r-digestAUR (optional)
- r-glueAUR (optional)
- r-htmltoolsAUR (optional)
- r-htmlwidgetsAUR (optional)
- r-knitrAUR (optional)
- r-mockeryAUR (optional)
- r-processxAUR (optional)
- r-psAUR (optional)
- r-rlangAUR (optional)
- r-rmarkdownAUR (optional)
- r-rprojrootAUR (optional)
- r-rstudioapiAUR (optional)
- r-tibbleAUR (optional)
- r-whoamiAUR (optional)
- r-withrAUR (optional)
Required by (148)
- r-alpsnmr
- r-archive
- r-arrow (optional)
- r-asciicast
- r-atena
- r-available
- r-beer
- r-bigrquery
- r-bioccheck
- r-broom.helpers
- r-butcher
- r-callr (optional)
- r-cards
- r-clock
- r-cmdfun (optional)
- r-concordexr
- r-conflicted
- r-cpp11 (optional)
- r-csem
- r-cubble
- r-cvxr
- r-dbplyr
- r-desc
- r-desctools
- r-devtools
- r-dials
- r-dockerfiler
- r-dplyr
- r-dtplyr
- r-forcats
- r-ga
- r-gargle
- r-gdnax
- r-gganimate
- r-ggbeeswarm
- r-ggdist
- r-ggforce
- r-ggfun
- r-ggh4x
- r-ggplot2
- r-ggrain
- r-ggraph
- r-ggsc
- r-ggstance
- r-ggstar
- r-ggstats
- r-ggsurvfit
- r-ggtree
- r-ggtreeextra
- r-gh
- r-golem (optional)
- r-googleauthr
- r-googlecloudstorager
- r-googledrive
- r-googlesheets4
- r-gsva
- r-gt
- r-gtable
- r-gtfstools
- r-hardhat
- r-haven
- r-httr2
- r-igraph
- r-infer
- r-keras3
- r-lava
- r-lgr (optional)
- r-lifecycle
- r-microbiotaprocess
- r-modelenv
- r-modeltime
- r-moleculeexperiment
- r-multidplyr
- r-naniar
- r-nanomethviz
- r-odbc
- r-openair
- r-pak
- r-parsnip
- r-patchwork
- r-phipdata
- r-pillar
- r-pkgbuild
- r-pkgcache
- r-pkgdepends
- r-pkgdown
- r-pkgload
- r-prismatic (optional)
- r-processx (optional)
- r-progressr (optional)
- r-purrr
- r-raer
- r-rcmdcheck
- r-readr
- r-recipes
- r-reprex
- r-reticulate (optional)
- r-rjsoncons
- r-rlang (optional)
- r-rogue
- r-roxygen2
- r-rsample
- r-rsqlite (optional)
- r-rvest
- r-safetensors
- r-scales
- r-scfeatures
- r-seqarchr
- r-seqarchrplus
- r-sessioninfo
- r-sfd
- r-slider
- r-spicyr
- r-stacks
- r-stringr
- r-styler
- r-testthat
- r-tibble (optional)
- r-tidybayes
- r-tidygraph
- r-tidymodels
- r-tidyr
- r-tidyselect
- r-tidyseurat
- r-tidysinglecellexperiment
- r-tidysummarizedexperiment
- r-tidytext
- r-tidytree
- r-tidyverse
- r-torch
- r-treedist
- r-treeio (optional)
- r-tune
- r-urlchecker
- r-usethis
- r-utf8 (optional)
- r-valr
- r-vctrs
- r-visdat
- r-vroom
- r-waldo
- r-workflows
- r-workflowsets
- r-wpm
- r-xml2
- r-yardstick
- r-yulab.utils
- r-zellkonverter
Latest Comments
pekkarr commented on 2023-03-23 16:23 (UTC)
This package has a semi-cyclical dependency:
checkdepends onr-testthat
, which depends onr-cli
.peippo commented on 2022-03-04 09:55 (UTC)
(package is already flagged out-of-date, can’t double-flag it) Now, 3.2.0 is out
dviktor commented on 2021-12-08 18:26 (UTC)
I'm leaving maintenance and support for this package in favor of new repository. You can install pre-built packages from my repo
fettouhi commented on 2020-05-26 03:18 (UTC)
Unable to build cuurently, gives this error: "Error: package ‘assertthat’ was installed before R 4.0.0: please re-install it"
clintval commented on 2018-10-22 16:22 (UTC) (edited on 2018-10-22 16:22 (UTC) by clintval)
@japhir I think I need more information than that. Do you have all dependencies installed? Are they up to date?
FYI It builds in my testing environment.
japhir commented on 2018-10-09 19:58 (UTC)
I get an error when building: Fatal error: unable to open the base package
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package(). Aborting... Error making: r-cli
clintval commented on 2018-05-30 17:32 (UTC) (edited on 2018-05-30 17:32 (UTC) by clintval)
@jabranham, fixed thanks!
<deleted-account> commented on 2018-05-30 14:34 (UTC)
assertthat is available as r-assertthat