Build seems to fail with the following error:
ls: cannot access '/var/tmp/pamac-build-matejd/whatsapp-nativefier/src/07:15': No such file or directory
sed: can't read /var/tmp/pamac-build-matejd/whatsapp-nativefier/src/07:15/resources/app/lib/preload.js: No such file or directory
Weirldy enough, it seems to be building in folder that has the same name than current time?
EDIT: I've examined PKGBUILD and script seems to be parsing exactly eight column ot the ls -l
output. This is fine in most cases, but in my system is joined into domain, so it has additional column next to user and group. So, 8th column is the current time, while 9th column is actually the name of the folder.
Pinned Comments
matejdro commented on 2023-10-06 04:51 (UTC)
Warning to all existing users: Nativefier is now unmaintained (
frealgagu commented on 2020-12-05 22:39 (UTC)
I maintain the latest built package at:
saulocastelo commented on 2020-03-29 10:46 (UTC)
Hey guys,
I created the original fix.
And now I share another way to use whatsapp web on nativefier. No code injection required.
Pressing ctrl+shift+i (on Linux) and the Devtools window will open. Then click on Application -> Service Workers And check the option Bypass for network.
Now press ctrl+r to reload. And ctrl+shift+i to close the Devtools.
Whenever you open your whatsapp the problem will occur, but since the Bypass for network option has already been enabled, you only need to press ctrl+shift+i (open devtools), ctrl+r (reload), ctrl+shift+i (close devtools)
@frealgagu, thanks for your work. This package was in my list as one of required apps to be installed after install Arch. I saw your last update ( document.querySelector("a[href='']") ), NICE/GREAT/GOOD!
Another way to do the same in 2 lines: document.querySelector("a[href='']") && navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(r => r.unregister() && document.location.reload());