I tried several times to install it on my Manjaro testing. During installation, the compilation is blocked at level : "Extracting package (this might take several minutes, don't give up!)..." The program has been on for about three hours at this stage. I don't understand anything anymore and I don't see anything to change in the build package. Here the pastebin: https://bin.disroot.org/?60521bf9d3c78980#5bqvYOrfozPMVfcVHarJj8Smu3DvXwS+VNpgzEA4XMs Does anyone have a solution?
Edit: Sorry, I didn't see that others had the same problem.
Pinned Comments
grufo commented on 2022-10-21 14:18 (UTC)
For any issue with the upstream code please use the Apache Friends Support Forum.