Package Details: zoom 6.2.0-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: zoom
Description: Video Conferencing and Web Conferencing Service
Upstream URL:
Keywords: call conference meeting video
Licenses: LicenseRef-zoom
Submitter: edh
Maintainer: edh
Last Packager: edh
Votes: 661
Popularity: 8.25
First Submitted: 2015-08-15 13:18 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-09-15 14:44 (UTC)

Dependencies (31)

Sources (1)

Pinned Comments

arash-m commented on 2024-09-15 15:56 (UTC)

Tested 6.2.0-1. Sharing works for me, but it still crashes after stopping. The workaround for me is still downgrading pipewire and libpipewire to 1.0.7 before meetings.

a172 commented on 2022-06-13 14:25 (UTC) (edited on 2022-06-13 14:25 (UTC) by a172)

@edh - That's not the answer I was hoping for (I was really hoping we could get it to launch without xwayland), but at least I know I'm not missing something.

Some ~/.config/zoomus.conf updates:

  • SSO Login: I don't have qt5-webengine installed, and the ebeddedBrowserForSSOLogin line doesn't exist in my config zoomus.conf. SSO login works just fine (issues with Firefox containers aside).
  • Audio: I am using Pipewire via pipewire-pulse. defaulted to alsa for me (or I changed it without realizing it). I probably could have installed pipewire-alsa and fixed my issues, but I set system.autio.type=pulse (a lucky guess) and this worked. This should work for anyone using straight PulseAudio as well.

If anyone finds documentation on ~/.config/zoomus.conf, please let us know.

edh commented on 2016-08-26 11:03 (UTC) (edited on 2017-03-09 10:48 (UTC) by edh)

I contacted the zoom support on 13th July 2016 and tried to lure them into creating a proper PKGBUILD respectively adopting this one, considering they are providing a package over very none standard ways to the Arch Linux community (downloading via a *foreign* site) and not through the official repo or the AUR. However there was little to no progress so far.

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terru commented on 2023-02-06 15:35 (UTC) (edited on 2023-02-06 15:38 (UTC) by terru)

I've also had issues with 5.13.5-1, though I don't have any of the errors reported by others in zoom_stdout_stderr.log. Here's what a single run of 5.13.5-1 logs:

ZoomLauncher started.
Zoom path is: /opt/zoom
cmd line: 
Start subprocess: /opt/zoom/zoom sucessfully,  process pid: 11493 
sh: line 1: pacmd: command not found
                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      656      656 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5224     5224 
         resip::TransportSelector      896      896 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28

zoom started.
sh: line 1: pacmd: command not found
sh: line 1: pacmd: command not found
                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      656      656 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5224     5224 
         resip::TransportSelector      896      896 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28

                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      656      656 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5224     5224 
         resip::TransportSelector      896      896 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28

zoom started.
zoom started.
Client: Breakpad is using Single Client Mode! client fd = -1
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.

sh: line 1: pacmd: command not found
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
zoom was exited due to a handled signal: 6 
ZoomLauncher exit.

For now I've downgraded to the previous version I was using which still works fine.

banana1 commented on 2023-01-31 19:11 (UTC)

Hi everyone,

over months (already long before kernel 6.x) I've got very high cpu usage as soon as I enable either my internal webcam of my X1 or my external HP webcam in zoom. My main monitor is a 4K 32" LG. But it makes no difference which cam I start and whether I place the fullscreen zoom window on the 4K LG monitor or on the X1 full hd monitor. All 8 cores run with over 90% cpu usage. If I reduce the window size to the possible minimum the cpu usage drops to still high 60%. As soon as I stop my cam the cpu usage immediately drops back to normal.

Using the cam with slack in contrast runs pretty smooth. As the zoom package from AUR just uses the upstream package from there are no other ones for me to really test with.

Has anybody else observed this behavior? Or even found a solution for it? Thank you in advance...

This should be the most important setup facts:

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Host: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th
Kernel: 6.1.8-arch1-1 Resolution: 3840x2160 (LG 4K Monitor) WM: i3 CPU: Intel i7-8565U (8) @ 4.600GHz GPU: Intel WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] Webcam: HP HD Pro Webcam C920

keiichiiownsu12 commented on 2023-01-26 17:24 (UTC)

@cysp74 Downgraded to 5.13.4 (711) as you suggested. Zoom is working now.

On an unrelated note, ~/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log logs several calls to /usr/bin/pacmd, which isn't installed on my system since I use pipewire-pulse over pulseaudio. Zoom and audio still are able to work. Is this something I need not be concerned about?

darose commented on 2023-01-26 17:19 (UTC) (edited on 2023-01-26 17:29 (UTC) by darose)

Strange. I've been running zoom 5.13.5-1 with no issues for several days now. (Using XFCE and pipewire) I installed it pre-built from the chaotic-aur repo.

Interesting: I don't even have the directory that you're having issues with:

$ ls -l /opt/zoom/QtQuick/ ls: cannot access '/opt/zoom/QtQuick/': No such file or directory

Where is that coming from? Maybe you can tweak your build somehow so that it doesn't build that?

According to what I see, that library resides here: /opt/zoom/Qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/

cysp74 commented on 2023-01-26 17:11 (UTC)

Hi, Same issue cropped up here, 5.13.5 looks total garbage, zoom had to be downgraded to .4, error logs recorded this: /opt/zoom/zoom : symbol lookup error: /opt/zoom/QtQuick/Controls.2/ undefined symbol: _ZN13QQmlDirParserC1Ev, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API

ekce commented on 2023-01-25 20:16 (UTC)

I got zoom to work by downgrading from version 5.13.5 (431) to version 5.13.4 (711) by modifying the PKGBUILD according to

ekce commented on 2023-01-25 19:37 (UTC) (edited on 2023-01-25 19:38 (UTC) by ekce)

I'm getting the same issue as @angelv. I noticed that, at least in my case, when I run zoom from the command prompt and it just returns the prompt it is because zoom is actually already running (but there is no window or anything visible, just processes you can view with pgrep -l zoom). If I kill all the zoom processes and run zoom from the command line then it doesn't do anything, no window, no prompt, nothing, just seems to idle until I hit ctrl+c.

Also, I checked the ~/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log file and this is what I get for the last few runs (no idea why they are all different). I think it actually starts multiple zoom processes each time I run it based on the logs.

zoom started.
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
                                                          ClassClass            AppApp            LibLib  Possible Culprit FlagsPossi
ble Culprit Flags

                                resip::resip::ConnectionConnection       656     656       656     656  

                                            resip::resip::DataData        36      36        36      36  

                                  resip::resip::DnsResultDnsResult      1080    1080      1080    1080  

                                   resip:: Headers          1resip:: Headers       1         1
              resip:: MsgHeaderScanner         40resip:: MsgHeaderScanner      40        40
                          resip:: SipMessage       5224resip:: SipMessage    5224      5224
            resip:: TransportSelector        896resip:: TransportSelector     896       896
                                    resip:: Tuple        128resip:: Tuple     128       128
                      resip:: UdpTransport       1144resip:: UdpTransport    1144      1144
              resip:: GenericIPAddress         28resip:: GenericIPAddress      28        28


zoom started.
zoom started.
Client: Breakpad is using Single Client Mode! client fd = -1
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
                             Class      App      Lib Possible Culprit Flags
                resip::Connection      656      656 
                      resip::Data       36       36 
                 resip::DnsResult     1080     1080 
                   resip::Headers        1        1 
          resip::MsgHeaderScanner       40       40 
                resip::SipMessage     5224     5224 
         resip::TransportSelector      896      896 
                     resip::Tuple      128      128 
              resip::UdpTransport     1144     1144 
          resip::GenericIPAddress       28       28 

zoom started.
[CZPClientLogMgr::LogClientEnvironment] [MacAddr: 70:8B:CD:A9:7C:32][client: Linux][OS:  Arch Linux x64][Hardware: CPU Core:4 Frenquency:3.5 G Memory size:32043MB CPU Brand:Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz GPU Brand:][Req ID: ]
Linux Client Version is 5.13.5 (431)
Graphics Card Info:: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660] (rev a1)
Zoom package arch is 64bit, runing OS arch is x86_64, snap package 0
qt.scenegraph.general: threaded render loop
qt.scenegraph.general: Using sg animation driver
qt.scenegraph.general: Animation Driver: using vsync: 16.67 ms
malloc(): invalid size (unsorted)

Sometimes I get an alternate malloc error that reads malloc_consolidate(): invalid chunk size.

In one instance when I tried starting zoom (after making sure to kill all zoom processes) I got a zoom window saying zoom had crashed and asking if I wanted to send an error report but it disappeared by itself before I interacted with it. Sometimes I get a zoom window with just the window decorations but nothing inside it (not even a white background, just see-through). Usually I don't get anything when I try to run it. It's super inconsistent for no reason.

Not sure if it matters but I'm using XFCE with Pulseaudio.

keiichiiownsu12 commented on 2023-01-25 17:00 (UTC)

@angelv can you tail ~/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log ? Do you see some line about an undefined symbol in one of the Qt libraries in /opt/zoom?

angelv commented on 2023-01-25 13:49 (UTC)

Running zoom in the terminal, I just get back the prompt, but no errors, no windows popping up, etc. Any idea what could be going on? (no problems with Zoom until about last week)

keiichiiownsu12 commented on 2023-01-24 20:51 (UTC)

Zoom is currently crashing on startup due to a problem with one of its bundled Qt libs.

/opt/zoom/zoom : symbol lookup error: /opt/zoom/QtQuick/Controls.2/ undefined symbol: _ZN13QQmlDirParserC1Ev, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API

Crash occurs regardless of display protocol. Do I need to delete the bundled Qt libs? (if relevant, using kde-plasma).