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Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
ros2-humble-nav2-amcl 1.1.7-2 0 0.00 amcl is a probabilistic localization system for a robot moving in 2D angelodalzotto 2023-06-10 16:11 (UTC)
ros2-humble-bond 3.0.2-4 0 0.00 A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. angelodalzotto 2023-06-10 16:00 (UTC)
ros2-humble-behaviortree-cpp-v3 3.8.3-3 0 0.00 Behavior Trees Library in C++. Batteries included. angelodalzotto 2023-06-10 15:59 (UTC)
ros2-humble-ackermann-msgs 2.0.2-1 0 0.00 ROS messages for vehicles using front-wheel Ackermann steering. It was defined by the ROS Ackermann steering group. If_Return 2024-03-07 15:07 (UTC)
ros-noetic-wiimote 1.13.0-3 0 0.00 ROS - The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. acxz 2020-05-30 18:13 (UTC)
ros-noetic-velodyne-pointcloud 1.7.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs. daizhirui 2023-10-09 09:51 (UTC)
ros-noetic-urdf-parser-plugin 1.13.2-1 0 0.00 ROS - This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers. acxz 2021-05-07 10:54 (UTC)
ros-noetic-urdf-geometry-parser 0.0.3-4 0 0.00 ROS - Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf. acxz 2020-12-08 17:41 (UTC)
ros-noetic-tuw-vehicle-msgs 0.0.13-2 0 0.00 ROS - The tuw_vehicle_msgs package. acxz 2020-05-24 17:14 (UTC)
ros-noetic-turtlebot3-example 1.2.5-1 0 0.00 ROS - This package provides four TurtleBot3 basic example include move using interactive marker, move and stop using LDS, move to goal position, move to custom routes. acxz 2022-01-30 23:21 (UTC)
ros-noetic-turtle-actionlib 0.2.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. acxz 2021-05-07 10:52 (UTC)
ros-noetic-tf2-sensor-msgs 0.7.5-1 0 0.00 ROS - Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2 acxz 2021-02-08 20:14 (UTC)
ros-noetic-std-msgs 0.5.13-1 0 0.00 ROS - Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. acxz 2020-05-24 17:07 (UTC)
ros-noetic-socketcan-interface 0.8.1-3 0 0.00 Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included. acxz 2020-05-24 17:06 (UTC)
ros-noetic-smclib 1.8.6-2 0 0.00 ROS - The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from https://smc.sourceforge.net/ converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. acxz 2022-01-10 12:11 (UTC)
ros-noetic-sensor-msgs 1.13.1-1 0 0.00 ROS - This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders. acxz 2021-05-07 10:46 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rqt-topic 0.4.13-1 0 0.00 ROS - rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages. acxz 2021-12-26 03:36 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rqt-gui-py 0.5.3-1 0 0.00 ROS - rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS. acxz 2022-04-02 15:06 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rqt-gui-cpp 0.5.3-1 0 0.00 ROS - rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS. acxz 2022-04-02 15:06 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rotate-recovery 1.16.2-5 0 0.00 ROS - This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot. acxz 2020-07-02 12:47 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rostopic 1.16.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Topics, including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages. acxz 2023-06-11 09:54 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rostime 0.7.2-1 0 0.00 ROS - Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp. acxz 2021-05-07 10:33 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rospy-tutorials 0.10.2-1 0 0.00 ROS - This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. acxz 2021-05-07 10:32 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rospy 1.16.0-1 1 0.00 ROS - rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. acxz 2023-06-11 09:53 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rosnode 1.16.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Nodes, including publications, subscriptions and connections. acxz 2023-06-11 09:53 (UTC)
ros-noetic-roslisp 1.9.25-1 0 0.00 ROS - Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System. acxz 2023-06-12 01:20 (UTC)
ros-noetic-roslang 1.15.8-1 1 0.00 ROS - roslang is a common package that all ROS client libraries depend on. acxz 2021-08-14 09:48 (UTC)
ros-noetic-roscpp-tutorials 0.10.2-1 0 0.00 ROS - This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. acxz 2021-05-07 10:26 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rosclean 1.15.8-1 1 0.00 ROS - rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. acxz 2021-08-14 09:48 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rosbag-storage 1.16.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back ROS message without relying on the ROS client library. acxz 2023-06-11 09:50 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rosauth 1.0.1-2 0 0.00 ROS - Server Side tools for Authorization and Authentication of ROS Clients acxz 2020-05-24 16:55 (UTC)
ros-noetic-ros-control 0.20.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - A set of packages that include controller interfaces, controller managers, transmissions and hardware_interfaces. acxz 2023-12-17 01:06 (UTC)
ros-noetic-ros-comm 1.16.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - ROS communications-related packages, including core client libraries (roscpp, rospy) and graph introspection tools (rostopic, rosnode, rosservice, rosparam). acxz 2023-05-23 20:34 (UTC)
ros-noetic-ros-base 1.5.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - A metapackage which extends ros_core and includes other basic non-robot tools like actionlib, dynamic reconfigure, nodelets, and pluginlib. acxz 2021-02-10 16:18 (UTC)
ros-noetic-robot 1.5.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - A metapackage which extends ros_base and includes ROS libaries for any robot hardware. acxz 2021-05-07 10:20 (UTC)
ros-noetic-rgbd-launch 2.2.2-3 0 0.00 ROS - Launch files to open an RGBD device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds. acxz 2020-05-24 16:54 (UTC)
ros-noetic-polled-camera 1.12.0-1 0 0.00 ROS - polled_camera contains a service and C++ helper classes for implementing a polled camera driver node and requesting images from it. acxz 2020-12-08 00:08 (UTC)
ros-noetic-pointcloud-to-laserscan 1.4.1-3 0 0.00 ROS - Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. acxz 2020-05-24 16:52 (UTC)
ros-noetic-perception-pcl 1.7.4-1 0 0.00 ROS - PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. acxz 2022-03-03 13:10 (UTC)
ros-noetic-pcl-ros 1.7.5-2 1 0.00 ROS - PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. acxz 2023-03-14 16:48 (UTC)
ros-noetic-pcl-msgs 0.3.0-1 1 0.00 ROS - Package containing PCL (Point Cloud Library)-related ROS messages. acxz 2021-05-07 10:17 (UTC)
ros-noetic-pcl-conversions 1.7.4-1 1 0.00 ROS - Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types. acxz 2022-03-03 13:09 (UTC)
ros-noetic-mk 1.15.8-1 0 0.00 ROS - A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. acxz 2021-08-14 09:46 (UTC)
ros-noetic-microstrain-inertial-examples 4.0.1-1 0 0.00 ROS - Example listener for Parker LORD Sensing inertial device driver ros_mscl (C++). daizhirui 2024-03-17 06:45 (UTC)
ros-noetic-libuvc-camera 0.0.10-3 0 0.00 ROS - USB Video Class camera driver. acxz 2020-05-24 16:43 (UTC)
ros-noetic-libuvc 0.0.6-2 0 0.00 ROS - USB Video Class driver library. acxz 2020-05-24 16:42 (UTC)
ros-noetic-laser-pipeline 1.6.4-1 0 0.00 ROS - Meta-package of libraries for processing laser data, including converting laser data into 3D representations. acxz 2021-05-07 10:11 (UTC)
ros-noetic-laser-geometry 1.6.7-4 0 0.00 ROS - This package contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. acxz 2021-12-21 14:47 (UTC)
ros-noetic-laser-assembler 1.7.8-1 0 0.00 ROS - Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages. acxz 2020-05-28 04:39 (UTC)
ros-noetic-jackal-msgs 0.8.9-1 0 0.00 ROS - Library of messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors daizhirui 2024-03-17 07:31 (UTC)

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