AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 days0.23-1: remove pyside2/shiboken2 bcz its build crashes w/ segfaultMarcell Meszaros
2024-04-150.22-1: remove unneeded transitive-only deps & python-nose which is deprecate...Marcell Meszaros
2024-04-150.21-1: remove 'python-colcon-pkg-config' from depends: already a transitive ...Marcell Meszaros
2024-04-080.20-1: add pyside2-tools and shiboken2 depsMarcell Meszaros
2024-03-26update deps & upstream URLMarcell Meszaros
2024-03-26formattingMarcell Meszaros
2024-03-10sip4 removed from dependencies listdangerdev004
2023-10-10Fix sipAchmad Fathoni
2023-10-10Revert "remove sip4 dependency"Achmad Fathoni
2023-08-10Add sipAchmad Fathoni
2023-08-07remove sip4 dependencygoekce
2023-06-13add python-colcon-cdAchmad Fathoni
2023-02-21add sip4-related depsgoekce
2022-09-26fixed dependencyGökçe Aydos
2020-10-25Fixed typo in optdependsTobias Borgert
2020-10-25Added optdepends for rqt visualizationsTobias Borgert
2020-10-23Move python-notify2 to "official" section; change contribution comment to be ...Tobias Borgert
2020-09-17Add python-pydot as a dependencyTobias Borgert
2020-08-09Added new dependencies - thank leuko for noticing themTobias Borgert
2020-06-06Updated to current ROS2 MASTER branch dependenciesTobias Borgert
2019-04-14Add console-bridge, log4cxx, and colcon dependenciesKartik Mohta
2018-10-04Add python-rospkg dependencyKartik Mohta
2018-10-04Initial commitKartik Mohta